Dell OpenManage Integration with Microsoft Windows Admin Center (OMIMSWAC) v3.0.0

AUTO INSTALLED This file was automatically installed as part of a recent update. If you are experiencing any issues, you can manually download and reinstall.
Dell OpenManage Integration with Microsoft Windows Admin Center (OMIMSWAC) is an extension in Windows Admin Center. The OMIMSWAC extension enables IT administrators to manage the following:
-Dell PowerEdge Servers running on supported Windows Operating Systems.
-Dell Integrated System for Microsoft Azure Stack HCI (also known as Azure Stack HCI or AS HCI) created using AX nodes from Dell Technologies.
-Dell HCI Solutions for Microsoft Windows Server (also known as Windows Server HCI or WS HCI) created using Storage Spaces Direct Ready Nodes or combinations of AX nodes and Storage Spaces Direct Ready Nodes.
-Microsoft Failover Clusters created with Dell PowerEdge servers running on supported Windows Server operating system.
OMIMSWAC simplifies the tasks of IT administrators by remotely managing the PowerEdge servers and clusters throughout their life cycle.

With the latest release of OMIMSWAC, the capabilities have improved with the following key features
- Support for Windows Admin Center 2211 GA.
- UI Revamp: Restructured UI to improve UI experience and ease of navigation for all features including multiple ways to perform actions.
- Onboarding Dell SCP policies to Azure Arc: Supports onboarding of Dell Server Configuration Profile (SCP) policies to Azure Arc and then use these policies in Azure Arc to monitor failover clusters created using Dell PowerEdge servers.
- Prerequisites Check: Standalone and integrated prerequisite checks on all features to ensure connections meet the prerequisites for monitoring and management operations using Dell extension.

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Fixes & Enhancements

Fixes: N/A

- Shows confirmation before triggering Infrastructure Lock enable or disable.

Supported OS:
Microsoft - Windows Server 2022 - Standard
Microsoft - Windows Server 2022 - Datacenter
Microsoft - Azure Stack HCI, version 22H2
Microsoft - Azure Stack HCI, version 21H2
Microsoft - Windows Server 2019 - Standard
Microsoft - Windows Server 2019 - Datacenter
Microsoft - Windows Server 2016 - Standard
Microsoft - Windows Server 2016 - Datacenter
Microsoft Windows Server Core.
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3.0.0, A00

Release date

14 Dec 2022

Download Type



Systems Management


Dell Technologies recommends applying this update during your next scheduled update cycle. The update contains changes to maintain overall system health. It ensures that the system software remains current and compatible with other system modules (firmware, BIOS, drivers, and software) and may include other new features.
Available formats

File Format: Extracts files directly to local disk
File Name:
File Size: 6.06 MB
This is a large file. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time to download.
Format Description:
This file format consists of an archive of files that may be decompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installation can then be done from that directory.
To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.

By downloading, you accept the terms of the Dell Software License Agreement.

Additional details

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Windows Server 2019 LTSC
Windows Server 2022 LTSC
Windows Server 2016
Before you install or upgrade Dell OpenManage Integration extension in Windows Admin Center ensure that you have:
-Logged in to Windows Admin Center as a gateway administrator.

Dell OpenManage Integration with Windows Admin Center can be installed in one of the following methods:
-By using the Microsoft's public Windows Admin Center Azure DevOp feed.
-By using the workflow of Microsoft Windows Admin Center during Azure Stack HCI cluster deployment or updates.
For more information about installing using Microsoft's public Windows Admin Center Azure DevOp feed and cluster creation/update workflow, see "Dell OpenManage Integration with Windows Admin Center User's Guide".
-By using a local path or a network share as package source for installation.
To Install Dell OpenManage Integration with Microsoft Windows Admin Center by using local path or network file share
1. Download
a. Click the Download File link to download the file.
b. When the File Download window appears, click Save to save the file to your hard drive.
2. Extract Files
a. Browse to the location where the file is downloaded and double-click the new file to unzip the downloaded package.
b. Specify the location to unzip the files.
c. Click on the unzip button to extract files
NOTE: The file contains the dell-emc.openmanage-integration.3.0.0.nupkg which is used to install OMIMSWAC by using a local path or network share.
3. In the Windows Admin Center application, in the upper-right corner, select Settings.
4. Under GATEWAY, click Extensions.
5. Select Feeds>Add.
6. In the Add package source window, enter the local path or network file share where you have extracted the extension .ZIP file.
NOTE: You must set read and write permissions to the local or network file location
7. Click Add.
8. The extension is now listed under the Available Extensions tab.
9. Select Dell OpenManage Integration extension, click Install and then click Confirm to confirm the changes and to install the extension.
For more information, see the OMIMSWAC User's Guide.
OMIMSWAC can be upgraded in one of the following ways:
-Upgrade Dell OpenManage Integration with Microsoft Windows Admin Center by using the Microsoft's public Windows Admin Center Azure DevOp feed.
-Upgrade Dell OpenManage Integration with Microsoft Windows Admin Center by using local path or network file share
For more information about upgrading OMIMSWAC, see the "Dell OpenManage Integration with Windows Admin Center User Guide"

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