LSI Logic PERC 4/Di, v.4.17.2, A01

AUTOMATIKUSAN TELEPÍTETT Ez a fájl automatikusan települt egy korábbi frissítés részeként. Ha bármilyen problémát tapasztal, manuálisan letöltheti és újratelepítheti.
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Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller 4/Di Device Driver for Windows NT

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This driver is not compatible

This driver is not applicable for the selected product. Choose another product to re-enter your product details for this driver or visit the Product Support page to view all drivers for a different product.

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Fixes & Enhancements

Changes from 4.15

1) Driver is allocating enough continuous memory for the FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK(0x2c) command.

2) New commmand has been introduced to enhance the performance for SCSI I/O on non-raid SCSI channel.

3)In case of cluster reset, Driver was looping infinitely for the outstanding commands to get completed. This might result in the system hang. Driver has been modified to have a timeout and return Failure if the Firmware fails to complete the outstanding commands in a certain period of time.

4) Driver was allowing all the requests coming for a physical channel with TargetID greater than 15. Ideally Firmware should fail all the commands coming for the targetID > 15, but this fix has been put in the driver. Driver would return all the requests coming for the tagetID > 15 as an illegal requests.
További információ


4.17.2, A01

Kibocsátás dátuma

07 nov. 2002

Letöltés típusa





Dell Technologies recommends reviewing this update to determine if it applies to your system. The update contains changes that impact only certain configurations or provides new features that may or may not apply to your environment.
Elérhető formátumok

Fájlformátum: Kibontja a fájlokat közvetlenül a helyi lemezre
Fájlnév: Perc4di_NT4.17.2.exe
Fájlméret: 49.82 KB
Ez egy nagy fájl. A kapcsolat sebességétől függően a letöltés eltarthat egy ideig.
Formátum leírása:
This file format consists of an archive of files that may be decompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installation can then be done from that directory.
A letöltés integritásának biztosítása érdekében ellenőrizze az ellenőrző összeg értékét.
Not available
Not available
Not available

A letöltéssel Ön elfogadja a Dell szoftverlicenc-szerződés feltételeit.

További részletek

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Default Instructions for Perc4di_NT4.17.2.exe:

This program creates a Windows NT 4.0 driver diskette for
the controllers. You will need a formatted 3 1/2 inch floppy
diskette for the following procedure.

1) Download the file to a directory on your hard drive. The
file downloaded is a self extracting executable.
2) Double click on the file to run the executable.
3) Click on the unzip button to extract files to the floppy.

Power down the system and install the PERC/CERC card.
Configure the logical drives before proceeding with the
driver install described below.

Performing a New Installation of Windows NT 4.0

"Making PERC/CERC the Primary Controller in Windows NT 4.0"

1) Boot the system using the Windows NT 4.0 CD. As the

"Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration."

appears. Press F6 immediately.

2) Within a few seconds, the Windows NT Setup screen
appears, requesting additional adapters in the system.
Press 'S' to specify an additional device, then press
Enter on the OTHER option in the selection screen.

3) Insert the PERC/CERC driver diskette created above and
press Enter.

"CERC ATA100/4ch; PERC 4/Di-SC-DC; 3/DC-DCL-QC-SC Windows NT Driver"

appears. Press Enter to load the driver.

4) Press 'S' to load additional mass storage device driver
if required. Otherwise, press Enter to continue
installation process as usual. Windows NT 4.0 continues
to be installed as usual. Please refer to the operating
system installation documentation for further steps.

"Making PERC/CERC a Secondary Controller in Windows NT 4.0"

1) Start the Windows NT 4.0 installation process. Load the
device for the primary controller if necessary.

2) Windows NT Server Setup screen is displayed after loading
Windows NT Kernel. Press Enter to continue.

3) Setup displays mass storage devices that it has
recognized in your computer. Press 'S' to specify an
additional device, then press Enter on the OTHER option
in the selection screen.

4) Insert the PERC/CERC driver diskette created above and
press Enter.

"CERC ATA100/4ch; PERC 4/Di-SC-DC; 3/DC-DCL-QC-SC Windows NT Driver"

appears. Press Enter to load the driver.

5) Press 'S' to load additional mass storage device drivers
if required; otherwise, press Enter to continue the
installation process as usual. Windows NT 4.0 continues
to be installed as usual. Please refer to the operating
system installation documentation for further steps.

Adding the PERC 3 Driver to an Existing Windows NT 4.0 Server

If your server is already running Windows NT 4.0, then use
the following steps to add the PERC/CERC Windows NT 4.0

1) Insert the PERC/CERC driver diskette created above in
appropriate drive. The driver files can also be installed
from a local or network drive.

2) Click on Start > Control Panel > Settings. Double-click
on the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Adapter

3) Select the Drivers tab.

4) Click on the Add button.

5) Select Have Disk.

6) The Install From Disk box appears. Specify the location
of the PERC/CERC Windows NT 4.0 driver and click on OK.

7) Click on OK to add the PERC/CERC Windows NT 4.0 driver.

This procedure will install the PERC/CERC drivers for
Windows NT v4.0. You must reboot the system after
installation has been completed successfully.

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