Port-channel creation.
An fport-channel-trunk between an MDS and a UCS, or between a MDS NPIV core and a Cisco switch in NPV mode, does not come up, and reports the following errors in the logs -
%PORT-5-IF_DOWN_OLS_RCVD: %$VSAN X%$ Interface fcx/y is down (OLS received) port-channel X <>
Switch interfaces when added into port-channel, go into "notConnected" state and Port-channel status remains 'noOperMembers'.
The same interfaces without port-channel work fine.
From FI side on UCS, the ports go into "error disabled" state.
`show interface brief`
Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status SFP Oper Oper Port
Mode Trunk Mode Speed Channel
Mode (Gbps)
fc1/1 11 F off notConnected swl -- -- --
fc1/2 11 F off notConnected swl -- -- 201
fc1/17 11 F off notConnected swl -- -- --
fc1/33 11 F off notConnected swl -- -- --
Interface Vsan Admin Status Oper Oper IP
Trunk Mode Speed Address
Mode (Gbps)
port-channel201 11 off noOperMembers -- --
'show logging log'
Switchname %PORT-5-IF_DOWN_PORT_CHANNEL_MEMBERS_DOWN: %$VSAN 11%$ Interface port-channel is down (No operational members)
Switchname %PORT-5-IF_DOWN_OLS_RCVD: %$VSAN 11%$ Interface fc1/2 is down (OLS received) port-channel V18001FI48_1B-01_29
Switchname %PORT-5-IF_DOWN_OLS_RCVD: %$VSAN 11%$ Interface fc1/33 is down (OLS received) V18001FI48_1B-01_30
Switchname %PORT-5-IF_DOWN_OLS_RCVD: %$VSAN 11%$ Interface fc1/17 is down (OLS received) V18001FI48_1B-01_31
Switchname %PORT-5-IF_DOWN_OLS_RCVD: %$VSAN 11%$ Interface fc1/1 is down (OLS received) V18001FI48_1B-01_32
-- Issue remains unchanged even if the port-channel and switch interfaces are bounced.
-- Port-channel re-creation doesn't make any difference.
FI on UCS being used is not on the code that supports the MDS switches to use port channels.
Resolution : FI on UCS (model: 6248) needs to be updated to 4.0(1a) or above.
Workaround : Connect the interfaces as single links, not in a port-channel.
Betroffene Produkte
Connectrix MDS-Series Hardware
Connectrix MDS-9148S, Connectrix MDS-Series Firmware 6.X, Connectrix MDS-Series Hardware