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PowerEdge: Firmware catalog for Dell's vSAN Ready Nodes

Zusammenfassung: This is a firmware catalog which contains validated and certified firmware stack for selected Dell VMware vSAN Ready Nodes.

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  • This vSAN firmware catalog is meant to be used only for specific server models. See "Server Models supported" section for specifics.
  • This catalog is unsupported for VMware ESXi use cases or any other vSAN Ready Nodes that Dell offer.
  • For VMware ESXi use cases other than vSAN, see knowledge base article 126599, Firmware catalog for Dell customized VMware ESXi imagesThis hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies. .
  • Seek additional guidance from your aligned Dell account team if you need further details.
  • Dell releases new and refreshed catalogs for VMware vSAN on a quarterly basis. Up to N-1 of the Dell customized VMware ESXi ISO image has refreshed vSAN catalogs on selected server models.

What is a vSAN firmware catalog?

A firmware catalog is an aggregation of all firmware bundles that are supported on multiple generations of Dell servers. A vSAN firmware catalog is designed to support Dell’s vSAN Ready Nodes based on PowerEdge R740xd, R740, R640, R840, R750, R650, R7515, R6515, MX750c, R660, R760, R6616, R7615, R7625, and MX760c servers.

Server Models supported.

Server Models supported for vSAN firmware catalog.

Supported Server Models
Dell vSAN Ready Nodes PowerEdge vSAN Ready Nodes
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R640 PowerEdge R640
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R740 PowerEdge R740
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R740xd PowerEdge R740xd
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R840 PowerEdge R840
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R650 PowerEdge R650
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R750 PowerEdge R650XS
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node MX750c PowerEdge R750
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R6515  PowerEdge R750XA
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R7515 PowerEdge R750XS
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R660 PowerEdge XR4510c
Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node R760 PowerEdge XR4520c
Dell vSAN Ready Node MX760c PowerEdge C6520
Dell vSAN Ready Node R6615 PowerEdge R350
Dell vSAN Ready Node R7615 PowerEdge R450
Dell vSAN Ready Node R7625 PowerEdge R6515 
  PowerEdge R7515
  PowerEdge R6525
  PowerEdge R7525
  PowerEdge MX750c
  PowerEdge R660
  PowerEdge R760
  PowerEdge R760XA
  PowerEdge XR5610
  PowerEdge XR7620
  PowerEdge C6620
  PowerEdge R860
  PowerEdge MX760c
  PowerEdge R6625
  PowerEdge R6615
  PowerEdge R7615
  PowerEdge R7625
  PowerEdge XR11
  PowerEdge XR12


Firmware catalogs for Dell’s VMware vSAN Ready Nodes

The intent of this vSAN firmware catalog is to provide supported and certified firmware versions for selected vSAN Ready Nodes. The firmware catalog, when used along with Dell’s customized VMware ESXi ISO images, provides a "wanted state" for customers. The vSAN firmware catalog has the specific firmware versions for all supported vSAN components when used with the corresponding Dell customized ESXi image. Together these two products provide a path to the wanted vSAN cluster state.

See VMware vSphere Life-Cycle Manager (vLCM) and Dell integration whitepaper section "Configuring vSphere Wanted State for Dell PowerEdge VMware cluster using vLCM" to setup a wanted state. Though the example mentions the ESXi catalog, you may replace that with the vSAN catalog to create a vSAN wanted state. When you use the firmware catalog and the corresponding Dell customized ESXi ISO image, you achieve a wanted state from the driver firmware compatibility point of view. 

Below is a table which maps the recommended firmware catalog for Dell's VMware vSAN Ready nodes along with the corresponding customized ESXi images which contain the supported and certified HBA and NVMe drivers. This is a living document and gets modified as and when new catalogs are released. The Dell customized VMware ESXi images can be downloaded from the VMware download page This hyperlink is taking you to a website outside of Dell Technologies..

The driver versions that are integrated into Dell customized VMware ESXi images are documented in 8.x, 7.x and 6.x customization guides. 

See Dell support pages for 8.x7.x and 6.x for various documentations around Dell VMware ESXi versions. 

Starting May 2024, we have divided the payload content to multiple articles based on the ESXi branch. This page is going to be static and the below articles have the firmware payloads for individual ESXi based vSAN branches moving forward.


Betroffene Produkte

PowerEdge C6520, PowerEdge C6620, PowerEdge MX750c, PowerEdge MX760c, PowerEdge R350, PowerEdge R450, PowerEdge R640, PowerEdge R650, PowerEdge R650xs, PowerEdge R6515, PowerEdge R6525, PowerEdge R660, PowerEdge R6615, PowerEdge R6625, PowerEdge R740 , PowerEdge R740XD, PowerEdge R750, PowerEdge R750XA, PowerEdge R750xs, PowerEdge R7515, PowerEdge R7525, PowerEdge R760, PowerEdge R760XA, PowerEdge R7615, PowerEdge R7625, PowerEdge R840, PowerEdge R860, PowerEdge XR11, PowerEdge XR12, PowerEdge XR4510c, PowerEdge XR4520c, PowerEdge XR5610, PowerEdge XR7620, Dell EMC vSAN MX750c Ready Node, Dell vSAN Ready Node MX760c, Dell EMC vSAN R640 Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R650 Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R6515 Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R660 Ready Node, Dell vSAN R6615 Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R740 Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R740xd Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R750 Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R7515 Ready Node, Dell EMC vSAN R760 Ready Node, Dell vSAN R7615 Ready Node, Dell vSAN Ready Node R7625, Dell EMC vSAN R840 Ready Node ...
Artikelnummer: 000183111
Artikeltyp: How To
Zuletzt geändert: 05 Feb. 2025
Version:  48
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