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PowerEdge: How to Change the System Host Name on the iDRAC

Summary: Guidance on how to populate or update the System Hostname displayed in the iDRAC.

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Some operating systems do not provide operating system information to the iDRAC. The following article describes the issue in more detail: Dell PowerEdge: iDRAC is not displaying ESXi 6.5/6.7 System Host Name and Operating System correctly. 

If the iDRAC display lacks operating system details like Host Name or version, options exist to fill the display accurately.


Installing the Dell EMC iDRAC Service Module (iSM) populates or updates the System Hostname displayed in the iDRAC automatically.


Alternatively, the operating system hostname and operating system name can be configured manually using RACADM:
racadm set System.ServerOS.HostName server1.domain.local
racadm set System.ServerOS.OSName "ESXi 6.7 U3"
The updated operating system information will be visible in the iDRAC web user interface after refreshing the page. In order to refresh the hostname and operating system name in the CMC, the iDRAC must be reset.

The following IPMI raw command can also be used:
raw 0x06 0x58 0x02 0x00 0x05 0x04 0x4c 0x4d 0x4e 0x4f

Byte 0 : 0x06 Network Function
Byte 1 : 0x58 Command
Byte 2 : 0x02 Parameter Selector (distinguish between set Firmware Version, OS Name, System Name etc.)
Byte 3 : 0x00 Set Selector (this equals 0 implies that the user is setting the parameter)
Byte 4 : 0x05 Check String data
Byte 5 : 0x04  --> data length
Byte 6…n : data bytes


For example, to set the hostname to "DELL":

raw 0x06 0x58 0x02 0x00 0x05 -- This part is common
0x04 -- hostname string length- four characters(DELL) in our example
0x44 0x45 0x4c 0x4c -- ASCII equivalent for DELL. 
It is advised to use a ASCII to Hex convertor with the prefix 0x to easily translate the characters.

Affected Products

iDRAC Service Module, iDRAC7, iDRAC8, iDRAC9


PowerEdge XR2, PowerEdge FC640, PowerEdge M640, PowerEdge M640 (for PE VRTX), PowerEdge MX740C, PowerEdge MX750c, PowerEdge MX760c, PowerEdge MX840C, PowerEdge R240, PowerEdge R250, PowerEdge R260, PowerEdge R340, PowerEdge R350, PowerEdge R360 , PowerEdge R440, PowerEdge R450, PowerEdge R540, PowerEdge R550, PowerEdge R640, PowerEdge R6415, PowerEdge R650, PowerEdge R650xs, PowerEdge R6515, PowerEdge R6525, PowerEdge R660, PowerEdge R660xs, PowerEdge R6615, PowerEdge R6625, PowerEdge R740, PowerEdge R740XD, PowerEdge R740XD2, PowerEdge R7415, PowerEdge R7425, PowerEdge R750, PowerEdge R750XA, PowerEdge R750xs, PowerEdge R7515, PowerEdge R7525, PowerEdge R760, PowerEdge R760XA, PowerEdge R760xd2, PowerEdge R760xs, PowerEdge R7615, PowerEdge R7625, PowerEdge R840, PowerEdge R860, PowerEdge R940, PowerEdge R940xa, PowerEdge R960, PowerEdge T140, PowerEdge T150, PowerEdge T160, PowerEdge T340, PowerEdge T350, PowerEdge T360, PowerEdge T440, PowerEdge T550, PowerEdge T560, PowerEdge T640, PowerEdge XE2420, PowerEdge XE7420, PowerEdge XE7440, PowerEdge XE8545, PowerEdge XE8640, PowerEdge XE9640, PowerEdge XE9680, PowerEdge XR11, PowerEdge XR12, PowerEdge XR4510c, PowerEdge XR4520c, PowerFlex appliance R650, PowerFlex appliance R6525, PowerFlex appliance R660, PowerFlex appliance R6625, Powerflex appliance R750, PowerFlex appliance R760, PowerFlex appliance R7625, PowerFlex appliance R640, PowerFlex appliance R740XD, PowerFlex appliance R7525, PowerFlex appliance R840 ...
Article Properties
Article Number: 000141693
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 22 Nov 2024
Version:  9
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