Vert som mister baner.
[NOTE- Scott also see note in the summary]
ESX-verten henger og trenger en omstart for å gjenopprettes. [ Scott is it just ESX hosts that can become hung? The summary states "all HBAs zoned to VPLEX"]
From ESXi "vmkernel" log:
2020-08-30T03:52:23.501Z cpu187:66638)WARNING: lpfc: lpfc_els_unsol_buffer:8330: 0:(0):0115 Unknown ELS command x7f26e705 received from NPORT x1f04c0
2020-08-30T03:52:28.325Z cpu187:66638)WARNING: lpfc: lpfc_els_unsol_buffer:8330: 0:(0):0115 Unknown ELS command x7effc405 received from NPORT x1f04c0
From the VPLEX firmware logs :
event fc/4: "This port has discovered the departure of the indicated port from the fabric.""006016abc83a153324-2":36008:<6>2020/08/30 03:39:07.65: fc/4 A0-FC02.0: port 200000109b59a55d:100000109b59a55d:330fc0
(spn Emulex PPN-10:00:00:10:9b:59:a5:5d) (snn Emulex LPe16002B-M6 FV12.2.299.27 DV12.2.373.1 HN:localhost OS:VMware ESXi 6.5.0) (speed <unsupported by fabric>) departed"006016abc83a153324-2":36009:<4>2020/08/30 03:39:07.65: stdf/18 FCP connection lost. IT: [Host1_vmhba1 (0x100000109b59a55d)
A0-FC02 (0xc00144879a780200)] [Scott - back to the issue of "all HBAs zoned to VPLEX" if this cisco issue impacts all HBAs zoned to VPLEX should we be showing reports of other hosts departing in the fw logs? Do we see other hosts departing same as the esx host shown above?]
event fc/3: "This port has discovered the arrival of the indicated port on the fabric.""006016abc83a153324-2":36020:<6>2020/08/30 03:40:37.66: fc/3 A0-FC02.0: port 200000109b59a55d:100000109b59a55d:330fc0
(spn Emulex PPN-10:00:00:10:9b:59:a5:5d) (snn Emulex LPe16002B-M6 FV12.2.299.27 DV12.2.373.1 HN:localhost OS:VMware ESXi 6.5.0) (speed <unsupported by fabric>) arrived"006016abc83a153324-2":36027:<4>2020/08/30 04:03:28.34: stdf/17 FCP connection established. IT: [Host1_vmhba1 (0x100000109b59a55d)
A0-FC02 (0xc00144879a780200)]
[Scott: do we have this data for other HBAs seen to also have arrived ? ]
Zone activation.
HBA ports and VPLEX front end ports are not involved in the zoning changes.
[Scott - this last sentence does not make sense, the issue, as I understand it, is when there is a ZoneSet activation on a cisco switch all HBAs and VPLEX FE ports 'are' involved. also what Cisco Switch code level(s) does this impact?]
VPLEX utfører et fabric discovery på alle fiberkanalporter (front-end, back-end og FC-WANCOM) hvert 90. sekund og gjør dette ved å bruke kommandoen «Get all next» (Hent alle etterpå) (GA_NXT). Den utfører dette utenom å motta en RSCN fra svitsjen eller PLOGI fra en regulert HBA.
På grunn av Cisco-feil CSCvw75655, hvis VPLEX utfører fabric discovery på en frontend (FE)-port, mens en sonesettaktivering/-forpliktelse er i gang, er det en liten sjanse for at VPLEX bare får tilbake sin egen fiberkanaladresse (FCID ) og da vil anta at enhver HBA som er logget inn i den, ikke lenger er koblet til fabric og vil sende en utlogging (PLOGO) til hver HBA som er regulert mot den. [Scott - are the VPLEX and/or switch logs that show this action taking place, the PLOGO being sent, if this can be seen on both products can we include samples of this and from which logs this is seen?]
VPLEX vil logge fc/4-hendelsene for hver HBA som den logger ut og fc/3-hendelser på de neste 90 sekunders fabric discovery når den mottar riktig informasjon fra svitsjnavneserveren.
Hvordan HBA håndterer denne utloggingen, vil avhenge av driver/fastvare. ESX-verten i dette eksemplet hang og trengte omstart. [Scott - do we have data from the logs of other hosts being impacted by this event? if so can we also list some so it does not look like only ESX hosts are impacted?]
Periodiske fabric discovery gjøres for å sikre at VPLEX har oppdatert fabric data, ettersom det er en mulighet for at ikke alle RSCN-ene når VPLEX fra fabric.
Omgåelse av problemet:
Deaktiver navneserver-/soneserverdelt database (db) på Cisco-svitsjen som følger:
Produkter (1)
Cisco MDS 9000 NX-OS og SAN-OS programvare
Kjente berørte versjoner
VPLEX Fabric Discovery
Vert 1, vert 2 og vert 3 regulert mot en enkelt VPLEX FE-port.
VPLEX FE-port: FCID 0x200b20
Host 1: FCID 0x340000
Host 2: FCID 0x340020
Host 3: FCID 0x340040
Working... [Scott - what is this? this taken/copied from info? If so we can remove the "working..." info]
Cisco-feil CSCvw75655 ...