- What is the Command Prompt
- How to Access Command Prompt
- Commonly Used Commands
- Frequently Asked Question's and Links
In Windows operating systems, the Command Prompt is a program that emulates the input field in a text-based user interface screen with the Windows Graphical User Interface (UI).
It can be used to perform entered commands and perform advanced administrative functions. It can also be used to troubleshoot and solve certain kinds of Windows issues.

Figure 1: Command Prompt Window
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Dependent on which operating system you have installed, select the Tab that corresponds to your version of Windows.
NOTE: The examples below show how to open an Elevated Command Prompt. This means opening the Command Prompt with administrator rights.
Open Command Prompt in Windows 11
Press the Windows key + r.
In the Run box, type cmd, and then click OK.
This opens the Command Prompt window.
To change to the Root directory type cd\ and press Enter.
NOTE: The Root directory is the best place to enter any required commands or instructions.
Open Command Prompt in Windows 10
Move the mouse pointer to the bottom-left corner of the screen and Right-click, or press Windows key + X.
In the power user task menu, select Command Prompt (Admin) (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Power user task menu
This opens the Command Prompt window (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Windows 10 Command Prompt
To change to the Root directory type cd\ and press Enter (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Command Prompt at Root directory
NOTE: The Root directory is the best place to enter any required commands or instructions.
Open Command Prompt in Windows 8 / 8.1
Move the mouse pointer to the bottom-left corner of the screen and Right-click, or press Windows key + X.
In the power user task menu, select Command Prompt (Admin) (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Power user task menu
This opens the Command Prompt window (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Windows 8 Command Prompt
To change to the Root directory type cd\ and hit Enter (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Command Prompt at Root directory
NOTE: The Root directory is the best place to enter any required commands or instructions.
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- ipconfig
This command displays the current network information for your adapters, including IP Address, Default Gateway, Subnet Mask and so forth.
- ping
This command is used as a troubleshooting tool to resolve network issues. It sends a data packet to another system on the network and awaits a reply - outputting the results.
Example: ping
This pings the computer with the address and output any response.
- Help (/?)
The help command provides information about another command including available switches to perform additional tasks.
Example: ipconfig /help
A list of commands can be found at the Microsoft Command-line Reference Guide 
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How do I cancel a command?
Ctrl + C to stop a command from running.
NOTE: This is not an undo. The command only stops the current command during its process.
How can I shut down or restart the computer from the Command Prompt screen?
The commands below can also be used to shutdown or restart computers on your network. This can be handy when applying updates that require restarts to take effect.
- shutdown /s command shuts down the system that you are working on.
- shutdown / i from the command prompt opens the Remote Shutdown Dialog window, this provides options available using an easy-to-use interface including networked systems.
How do I access previous commands that I have used?
You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to cycle through the previously performed commands. For example, the UP and DOWN arrows show the most recently used commands. The RIGHT and LEFT arrows display the commands letter by letter.
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See these Dell Knowledge Base articles for related information: