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DSA-2019-084: Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs Security Update for PC Doctor Vulnerability

Riepilogo: Security notice for the Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs Security Update for PC Doctor Vulnerability.

Questo articolo si applica a Questo articolo non si applica a Questo articolo non è legato a un prodotto specifico. Non tutte le versioni del prodotto sono identificate in questo articolo.




The PC Doctor component in Dell SupportAssist for Business Systems and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs has been updated for the following vulnerability:

  • PC Doctor CVE-2019-12280


For more information about any of the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) mentioned here, consult the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) at To search for a particular CVE, use the database’s search utility at

The PC Doctor component in Dell SupportAssist for Business Systems and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs has been updated for the following vulnerability:

  • PC Doctor CVE-2019-12280


For more information about any of the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) mentioned here, consult the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) at To search for a particular CVE, use the database’s search utility at

Dell Technologies raccomanda a tutti i clienti di prendere in considerazione sia il punteggio base CVSS, sia ogni eventuale punteggio temporale o ambientale che possa avere effetti sul livello di gravità potenziale associato a una specifica vulnerabilità di sicurezza.

Prodotti interessati e correzione

Affected Products: 

Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs version 2.0

Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs version 3.2.1 and all prior versions


The following Dell SupportAssist for Business Systems and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs release contains a resolution to this vulnerability:


  • Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs version 2.0.1
  • Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs version 3.2.2


Dell recommends all customers update at the earliest opportunity.


Method 1: Auto Update

Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs automatically upgrade to the latest versions available, if automatic updates are enabled.


Method 2: Manual Update

To update manually, download and install the latest product version from:


Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs


Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs


Please visit for updates on the applicable products.


Customers may use one of the Dell notification solutions to be notified and download driver, BIOS and firmware updates automatically once available.


Affected Products: 

Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs version 2.0

Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs version 3.2.1 and all prior versions


The following Dell SupportAssist for Business Systems and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs release contains a resolution to this vulnerability:


  • Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs version 2.0.1
  • Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs version 3.2.2


Dell recommends all customers update at the earliest opportunity.


Method 1: Auto Update

Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs and Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs automatically upgrade to the latest versions available, if automatic updates are enabled.


Method 2: Manual Update

To update manually, download and install the latest product version from:


Dell SupportAssist for Business PCs


Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs


Please visit for updates on the applicable products.


Customers may use one of the Dell notification solutions to be notified and download driver, BIOS and firmware updates automatically once available.



Dell would like to thank Peleg Hadar for reporting this vulnerability.

Informazioni correlate

Prodotti interessati

SupportAssist for Home PCs, SupportAssist for Business PCs
Proprietà dell'articolo
Numero articolo: 000140046
Tipo di articolo: Dell Security Advisory
Ultima modifica: 22 mag 2021
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