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DSA-2020-005: Dell SupportAssist Client Uncontrolled Search Path Vulnerability

Podsumowanie: Dell SupportAssist for business PCs and Dell SupportAssist for home PCs have been updated to address an uncontrolled search path vulnerability.

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  • Uncontrolled Search Path Element Vulnerability

Dell SupportAssist for business PCs versions 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and Dell SupportAssist for home PCs version 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.4 contain an uncontrolled search path vulnerability.  A locally authenticated low privileged user could exploit this vulnerability to cause the loading of arbitrary DLLs by the SupportAssist binaries, resulting in the privileged execution of arbitrary code.

CVSS Base Score: 7.8 (AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)
  • Uncontrolled Search Path Element Vulnerability

Dell SupportAssist for business PCs versions 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and Dell SupportAssist for home PCs version 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.4 contain an uncontrolled search path vulnerability.  A locally authenticated low privileged user could exploit this vulnerability to cause the loading of arbitrary DLLs by the SupportAssist binaries, resulting in the privileged execution of arbitrary code.

CVSS Base Score: 7.8 (AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)
Firma Dell Technologies zaleca wszystkim klientom uwzględnienie zarówno wyniku podstawowego CVSS, jak i wszelkich istotnych wyników czasowych i środowiskowych, które mogą mieć wpływ na potencjalną dotkliwość związaną z konkretną luką w zabezpieczeniach.

Produkty, których dotyczy problem, i środki zaradcze

Affected products:

Dell SupportAssist for business PCs version 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3

Dell SupportAssist for home PCs version 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.4 



The following Dell SupportAssist for business PCs and Dell SupportAssist for home PCs releases contain a resolution to this vulnerability:


  • Dell SupportAssist for business PCs version 2.1.4
  • Dell SupportAssist for home PCs version 3.4.1


Dell recommends all customers upgrade at the earliest opportunity.


Method 1: Auto Update Enabled

All versions of SupportAssist automatically upgrade to the latest version available if automatic upgrades are enabled. Customers can check which version they are running and upgrade to a newer version of SupportAssist if available.


Method 2: Manual Update

Steps for manual update of SupportAssist for home PCs:

  1. Open SupportAssist.
  2. On the top-right corner of the SupportAssist window, click the ‘Settings’ icon, and then click ‘About SupportAssist’. SupportAssist will automatically check if a newer version of SupportAssist is available.
  • If no update is available, a message indicating that the latest version of SupportAssist is installed are displayed.
  • If a newer version of SupportAssist is available, the ‘Update Now’ link is displayed.
  1. Upon clicking Update Now, the latest version of SupportAssist is downloaded and installed on the system.


SLN320101_en_US__1icon Note: For manual update of SupportAssist for business PCs, please refer to the Dell SupportAssist for business PCs deployment guide for deployment instructions.


Please visit the Dell Drivers & Downloads site for updates on the applicable products.


Customers may use one of the Dell notification solutions to be notified and download driver, BIOS and firmware updates automatically once available.


Affected products:

Dell SupportAssist for business PCs version 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3

Dell SupportAssist for home PCs version 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.4 



The following Dell SupportAssist for business PCs and Dell SupportAssist for home PCs releases contain a resolution to this vulnerability:


  • Dell SupportAssist for business PCs version 2.1.4
  • Dell SupportAssist for home PCs version 3.4.1


Dell recommends all customers upgrade at the earliest opportunity.


Method 1: Auto Update Enabled

All versions of SupportAssist automatically upgrade to the latest version available if automatic upgrades are enabled. Customers can check which version they are running and upgrade to a newer version of SupportAssist if available.


Method 2: Manual Update

Steps for manual update of SupportAssist for home PCs:

  1. Open SupportAssist.
  2. On the top-right corner of the SupportAssist window, click the ‘Settings’ icon, and then click ‘About SupportAssist’. SupportAssist will automatically check if a newer version of SupportAssist is available.
  • If no update is available, a message indicating that the latest version of SupportAssist is installed are displayed.
  • If a newer version of SupportAssist is available, the ‘Update Now’ link is displayed.
  1. Upon clicking Update Now, the latest version of SupportAssist is downloaded and installed on the system.


SLN320101_en_US__1icon Note: For manual update of SupportAssist for business PCs, please refer to the Dell SupportAssist for business PCs deployment guide for deployment instructions.


Please visit the Dell Drivers & Downloads site for updates on the applicable products.


Customers may use one of the Dell notification solutions to be notified and download driver, BIOS and firmware updates automatically once available.



Dell would like to thank Eran Shimony for reporting this vulnerability.

Powiązane informacje

Produkty, których dotyczy problem

SupportAssist for Home PCs, SupportAssist for Business PCs
Właściwości artykułu
Numer artykułu: 000123842
Typ artykułu: Dell Security Advisory
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 10 lis 2021
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