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SupportAssist for Home PCs User’s Guide


SupportAssist is a proactive and predictive technology that provides automated technical support for your Dell PCs. SupportAssist monitors your PC and proactively detects both hardware and software issues.

SupportAssist addresses PC performance and stabilization issues, prevents security threats, monitors and detects hardware failures, and automates the engagement process with Dell Technical support. Depending on your Dell service plan, SupportAssist also automates support request creation for issues that are detected during a scan. For information about the SupportAssist capabilities for different service plans, see SupportAssist capabilities and Dell service plans.

SupportAssist enables you to optimize your PC by removing unwanted files, optimizing network settings, boosting system performance, and removing viruses and malware. It also identifies updates available for your PC.

SupportAssist collects and sends the required PC information securely to Dell Technical Support. The collected information enables Dell to provide you an enhanced, efficient, and accelerated support experience.

SupportAssist for Home PCs complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and can be used with assistive technologies such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and voice recognition software.

NOTE:In this document, the term PC refers to Dell laptops, desktops, gateways, and embedded PCs.

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