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SupportAssist für Business PCs Administratorhandbuch

Alert actions

When you select or click an alert number on the Alerts page, a list of actions that you can take on the alert are displayed.

The following table describes the actions available for every alert that is created in TechDirect:

Tabelle 1. Alert actionsThe following table describes the actions available for every alert that is created in TechDirect:
Available actions Description
Change ownership Allows you to do one of the following actions:
  • Take ownership—to assign the alert to yourself.
  • Assign ownership—to assign an administrator, technician, or user as the owner of the alert.
  • Unassign ownership—to unassign the ownership of the alert.
Add notes Allows you to add details about the alert, for example, issue that was detected or error information for investigation. The notes must not exceed 1000 characters.
Close alert Allows you to close the alert when the necessary action is taken to resolve the issue. After the alert is closed, the administrator, technician, or Dell Technologies cannot take any further actions on the alert.
Forward To Dell Allows you to add or update the contact and shipping information and forward the support request to technical support. The contact and shipping information is used by technical support to create support requests and ship any necessary replacement parts.
ANMERKUNG:To avail the onsite services for entitled PCs, you can add notes to request the service before forwarding the alert to Dell.

You can continue to monitor the progress of the support request from the Technical Support page or Dispatch Summary page in TechDirect.

To view the Technical Support page, from TechDirect, go to Services > Get Support and Replace Parts > Technical Support.

To view the Dispatch page, from TechDirect, go to Services > Get Support and Replace Parts > Self-Dispatch.

Forward to ServiceNow Allows you to forward an alert to a configured external solution.
ANMERKUNG:If you are using the ServiceNow instance to manage alerts, and if a technical support alert or incident is already open in ServiceNow for a PC, the forwarded alert is appended to an existing incident in ServiceNow.

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