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SupportAssist für Business PCs Administratorhandbuch

Component verification for a specific PC

The Component verification section of the PC overview page provides information about the components inside your PC against the factory configuration.

To view the component verification data, go to the Inventory page or Security > Component verification page, click the Service Tag of the PC, and select the Component verification option.

ANMERKUNG:The component verification data is collected only if:
  • You have deployed Trusted Device on your PC fleet. For more information about Trusted Device, see the Trusted Device manuals available on the Dell Trusted Device documentation page.
  • The PCs have an active entitlement for Secure Component Verification (Cloud).

The Component verification section displays tiles for each component inside your PC. Each component tile displays the component model number, revision, serial number, and verification status.

ANMERKUNG:PCs with multiple memory modules and fixed storage devices display each component on a single tile.

The following table describes the component verifications that are performed on the PC and the associated results:

Tabelle 1. Component verificationThe following table describes the component verifications that are performed on the PC and the verification results:
Component Verification results
  • Verified—the CPU inside your PCs match the factory configuration.
  • Verification Error—the CPU inside your PC do not match the factory configuration.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
Onboard Networking
  • Verified—the components inside your PCs match the factory configuration.
  • Verification Error—the components inside your PC do not match the factory configuration.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
  • Verified—the memory inside your PCs match the factory configuration.
  • Verification Error—the memory inside your PC do not match the factory configuration.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
  • Verified—the motherboard inside your PCs match the factory configuration.
  • Verification Error—the motherboard inside your PC do not match the factory configuration.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
Fixed Storage
  • Verified—the fixed storage inside your PCs match the factory configuration.
  • Verification Error—the hard drive inside your PC do not match the factory configuration.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
  • Verified—the system information of the PC match the factory configuration.
  • Verification Error—the components inside your PC do not match the factory configuration.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
Trusted Platform Module
  • Verified—the trusted platform module inside your PCs match the factory configuration.
  • Verification Error—the trusted platform module inside your PC do not match the factory configuration.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.

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