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SupportAssist für Business PCs Administratorhandbuch

Security health

The Security page displays information about the security of the PCs based on the security assessment that is performed periodically. This information helps assess the number of PCs at risk to ensure that the PCs are free from vulnerabilities and threats. You can switch between the Weekly view or Daily view, based on your preference.

ANMERKUNG:The security data is collected only if:
  • You have deployed Dell Trusted Device on your PC fleet. For more information about Dell Trusted Device, see the Dell Trusted Device manuals available on the Dell Trusted Device documentation page.
  • The PCs have an active ProSupport, ProSupport Plus, or ProSupport Flex for Client service plan. You can view limited data on PCs with the Basic service plan.

To view the application experience data for your PC fleet, from the TechDirect dashboard, go to Connect and manage > Manage PC fleet > Connect and manage PCs > Manage > Security, and click the Security health tab.

The following table describes the information that is displayed on the Security page:

Tabelle 1. SecurityThe following table describes the information that is displayed on the Security page:
Column Description
Site Name of the site to which the asset is assigned.
Group Group to which the asset is assigned.
Service tag A unique five-to-seven digit alphanumeric code which is found on a white bar-coded label affixed on your Dell PC or peripheral.
ANMERKUNG:To view the security information for a single PC, click the Service Tag. See Security for a specific PC.
Asset tag Asset tag of the PC that helps to easily track and inventory the PC.
ANMERKUNG:This column is displayed if you have selected Asset tag as an asset identifier. See Festlegen von Bestandskennungen.
ANMERKUNG:To view the security information for a single PC, click the Service Tag. See Security for a specific PC.
Hostname Unique hostname of the asset.
ANMERKUNG:This column is displayed if you have selected Hostname as an asset identifier. See, Festlegen von Bestandskennungen.
Warranty plan Service plan of the asset, for example, ProSupport Plus.
Region Region where the asset is present, for example, Americas.
Model Model of the PC, for example, Latitude 5400.
Security score The score that enables you to determine the security risk level of PCs in the fleet. The score is derived by performing the following assessment factors:
  • Anti-virus solution detected and enabled?
  • BIOS administrator password set?
  • BIOS Verification pass?
  • Disk encryption enabled?
  • Firewall solution is detected and enabled?
  • Indicators of attack detected?
  • Trusted Platform Module is enabled?

The score is categorized as follows:

  • 70-100—PCs are secure and the risk is minimal.
  • 50-69—PCs need attention.
  • 0-49—PCs are at risk.

For more information about the security assessments that are performed on the PC and the associated results, see Security for a specific PC.

Weekly/Daily status The overall security risk status for the PC fleet for the selected week or day. The status is categorized as follows:
  • Secure—the security score is within 70-100 and therefore the PCs are secure.
  • Needs attention—the security score is within 50-69 and therefore the PCs need attention.
  • Risk—the security score is within 0-49 and the PCs are the risk to potential threats.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
ANMERKUNG:Weekly/Daily status is displayed for PCs with an active warranty.
Current status The current or last updated security risk status for the PC fleet. The status is categorized as follows:
  • Secure—the security score is within 70-100 and therefore the PCs are secure.
  • Needs attention—the security score is within 50-69 and therefore the PCs need attention.
  • Risk—the security score is within 0-49 and the PCs are the risk to potential threats.
  • Data unavailable—data was not received from the PC.
ANMERKUNG:Current status is displayed for PCs with an active warranty.

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