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SupportAssist für Business PCs Administratorhandbuch

Set PC update source

You can manage the updates for your PC fleet using Dell recommended updates or using the custom catalogs.


Sie müssen als Verbindungs- und Verwaltungsadministrator bei TechDirect angemeldet sein.


  1. From the TechDirect dashboard, go to Connect and manage > Manage PC fleet > Connect and manage PCs > Manage > Settings > Set PC update source.
    The Set PC update source page is displayed.
  2. Select one of the following options:
  3. If you selected Custom catalog updates, perform the following steps:
    1. To automatically apply updates to new PCs and PCs moved to groups with custom catalogs, select the corresponding check box.
    2. To automatically apply updates when a new version of the custom catalog is available, select the corresponding check box.
    3. To specify a network location to save all the updates defined in the catalog, select the corresponding check box.
      ANMERKUNG:To download the updates, the specified network location should not be password-protected and must be accessible from the PCs running SupportAssist.
  4. Click Save.

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