Meeting prerequisites for a
PowerProtect Data Manager recovery
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you initiate a
PowerProtect Data Manager recovery:
See the following documentation, which is available on the Customer Support website at
Preparing for and Recovering From a Disaster chapter in the
PowerProtect Data Manager Administration and User Guide
PowerProtect Data Manager for Oracle RMAN Agent User Guide
PowerProtect Data Manager for Microsoft Application Agent SQL Server User Guide
Ensure that the
Cyber Recovery vaultDD system is running
DD OS Version or later.
Deploy the
PowerProtect Data Manager appliance in the
Cyber Recovery vault:
Ensure that the version is the same as the version of the production system.
PowerProtect Data Manager in the default state. When you log in to
PowerProtect Data Manager, the default state is either
New Install
Restore Backup.
Do not modify the default passwords.
Modify the
/etc/ssh/sshd_config file to enable password authentication:
Change the
PasswordAuthentication field value from
no to
Run the
service sshd restart command.
Do not use the following special characters in the VM name in vCenter, otherwise the
Cyber Recovery software cannot detect the
PowerProtect Data Manager VM:
Ensure that the UIDs that are associated with the production
PowerProtect Data Manager DD Boost users are available on the
DD system in the
Cyber Recovery vault.
Use either the
Cyber Recovery UI or the
CRCLI to define the
PowerProtect Data Manager application as a
Cyber Recovery application asset. When defining the
PowerProtect Data Manager application:
Configure the application using the credentials of the
PowerProtect Data Manager application on the production system.
NOTE After 90 days, the root and admin accounts expire on the
PowerProtect Data Manager appliance. Change the root and admin account passwords back to the default values used when the
PowerProtect Data Manager virtual appliance was deployed. Otherwise, a recovery action fails because the former passwords are not valid.
To be able to create a snapshot as part of the recovery procedure, use the same value for the FQDN or hostname that is shown in the vCenter user interface under the DNS name.
Ensure that there are no snapshots of the
PowerProtect Data Manager virtual machine that is deployed in the vCenter server.
Create a
Cyber Recovery policy for the VM data and DR backup.
Run application and DR backups in the
PowerProtect Data Manager production environment. Then, perform a Secure Copy policy operation to copy data to the
Cyber Recovery vault environment.
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