When a
PowerProtect Data Manager protection policy is created, the
PowerProtect Data Manager server assigns its storage unit to the Oracle databases that are protected by the protection policy. Both the manual backups and scheduled backups of these Oracle databases are sent to this storage unit.
To display the storage units and their assigned databases on the Oracle RMAN agent host, run the
ddutil -s command.
ddutil -s command might display a storage unit type of "secondary." However, you cannot perform a backup to a secondary device. You can only restore from a secondary device.
For example:
ddutil -s
PowerProtect DD hostname:
FC service name: None
FC service enabled: false
Storage Unit: multi-asset-blrv041a118-7dab9
Top Level Path: PLCTLP-43f18cb1-fadb-4b25-ae9e-e385d5b5c401
Protection Policy Name: multi-asset
User: multi-asset-blrv041a118-7dab9
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