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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.9 Oracle RMAN Agent User Guide


Performing self-service backups of Oracle databases

To enable self-service protection, when you create the Oracle protection policy, select Self-Service Protection.


For clients that are configured with a self-service protection policy, you must perform each type of data backup (full, incremental, cumulative) in a separate RMAN session. You can perform the archived log, spfile, and controlfile backups either with the data backups or in separate RMAN sessions.

When you perform the different types of data backups in the same RMAN session, the backups are reported incorrectly.

To perform a self-service or manual backup of an Oracle database, you must create and run an RMAN backup script. The following example shows how to generate the backup scripts.

To identify the storage unit and DD hostname, run the ddutil -s command on the Oracle client. For example, run the following command in the $RMAN_AGENT_HOME/bin directory:

./ddutil -s

Only if the autobackup is enabled for the protected database and you have created a self-service protection policy for Oracle, complete the required top-level directory changes:

  1. Log in to the Oracle host as an Oracle user.
  2. To obtain the top-level directory information, run the following command:

    $RMAN_AGENT_HOME/bin/ddutil -s
    PowerProtect DD hostname:
       FC service name: None
       FC service enabled: false
       Storage Unit: oracle-self_plc-blrv034d018-R-df3c7
       Top Level Path: PLCTLP-4eb04bd9-b825-4e72-b668-14e9aacaa522
       Protection Policy Name: self_plc
               User: oracle-self-blrv034d018-R-df3c7
               Type: PROTECTION
  3. To complete the changes to the control file configuration for the Oracle database, run the following RMAN command, which includes the top-level pathname from the ddutil -s command output:

  4. Similarly, in the existing backup scripts that you use for backups, change the format specification accordingly. For example:

    BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE INCLUDE CURRENT CONTROLFILE FORMAT './ PLCTLP-4eb04bd9-b825-4e72-b668-14e9aacaa522/OCK/Automated_data_%d_%I_%u_%p';

    After you complete these changes, all the database backup pieces including the autobackups will be written under the top-level directory created in the storage unit.


    If changing the backup scripts or the control file format is not a feasible option, then create the .disable.tlp file under the $RMAN_AGENT_HOME/settings directory. Alternatively, add the IGNORE_TLP_SU_DIR=TRUE environment variable setting in the ALLOCATE CHANNEL command of the existing backup scripts. In both of these cases, the backup pieces will not be written under the top-level directory created by the protection policy.

    In an Oracle RAC environment, create the .disable.tlp file on each node of the system under the $RMAN_AGENT_HOME/settings directory.

Specify the storage unit and DD hostname in the RMAN backup script.

The following example shows an RMAN script that performs a full backup of the database and its archive logs:

connect target username/password;

run {
allocate channel c1 type SBT_TAPE parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=rman_agent_home/lib/, ENV=(RMAN_AGENT_HOME=rman_agent_home, STORAGE_UNIT=XYZ,';

backup database include current controlfile format '%U' plus archivelog;

release channel c1;

The library location and the RMAN_AGENT_HOME, STORAGE_UNIT, and BACKUP_HOST settings must be specified in the allocate channel command. All other parts of the script are standard RMAN commands.

To increase the parallelism of the backup, you can allocate more channels:

connect target username/password;

run {
allocate channel c1 type SBT_TAPE parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=rman_agent_home/lib/, ENV=(RMAN_AGENT_HOME=rman_agent_home, STORAGE_UNIT=XYZ,';
allocate channel c2 type SBT_TAPE parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=rman_agent_home/lib/, ENV=(RMAN_AGENT_HOME=rman_agent_home, STORAGE_UNIT=XYZ,';
allocate channel c3 type SBT_TAPE parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=rman_agent_home/lib/, ENV=(RMAN_AGENT_HOME=rman_agent_home, STORAGE_UNIT=XYZ,';
allocate channel c4 type SBT_TAPE parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=rman_agent_home/lib/, ENV=(RMAN_AGENT_HOME=rman_agent_home, STORAGE_UNIT=XYZ,';

backup database include current controlfile format '%U' plus archivelog;

release channel c1;
release channel c2;
release channel c3;
release channel c4;

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