After a few minutes of approving the Oracle agent, all the old backup copies start to be discovered. Depending on the number of backups, the discovery and subsequent visibility of the backups in
PowerProtect Data Manager can take some time. The retention time of the discovered existing backup copies is the value that is set during the configuration with the script. You can verify the applied retention time value from the
RETENTION_TIME=<number_of_days> setting in the
$RMAN_AGENT_HOME/config/rman_options.cfg file.
When the
RETENTION_TIME parameter is not set and the reply to the script prompt about setting the default retention time is
n, the default retention time for the backups is 30 days.
NOTE This value is applied to all the assets that
PowerProtect Data Manager discovers from the client. The RMAN traditional retention time that uses the KEEP options is not honored.
Discover and add the credentials for the Oracle RMAN agent host.
The first backup after onboarding must be a full backup:
The first centralized backup is automatically promoted to a full backup.
For the first self-service backup after onboarding, the Oracle DBA must run a full backup script.
NOTE You cannot perform a backup to a secondary DD device. You can only restore from a secondary DD device.
Perform a self-service Application Direct backup of Oracle databases. Onboarded assets can be part of either a centralized or self-service protection policy.