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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.9 Oracle RMAN Agent User Guide


Tier the PowerProtect Data Manager backups from DD to the cloud

Once you add the Oracle database assets to a protection policy that contains a cloud tier stage, you can perform tiering of these assets by using the PowerProtect Data Manager UI.


  1. Log in to PowerProtect Data Manager with administrator credentials.
  2. Select Infrastructure > Assets > Oracle Databases.
  3. On the Type Assets page, select the asset, and then click View Copies.
  4. Select the DD system where the PowerProtect Data Manager backups for Oracle reside, and then select Full protection copy which is older than 2 weeks.
  5. Click Tier to tier the backups.

    A new job is created, which you can view under the Jobs tab after the job completes. When you monitor the cloud tier progress of backup copies for the asset job, the status remains in the running state until the data movement occurs from the DD system.

  6. Log in to the DD system, and obtain the storage unit details by running the command data-movement policy show. For example:
    # data-movement policy show
    Mtree                                     Target(Tier/Unit Name) Policy      Value
    ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------- -------
    /data/col1/rman137-blrv136g140-840dd      Cloud/ecs-unit         app-managed enabled
    /data/col1/rman134-copy-blrv136g138-61900 Cloud/ecs-unit         app-managed enabled
    /data/col1/rman-11-blrv136h010-7014f      Cloud/ecs-unit         app-managed enabled
  7. Run the data-movement start mtrees command for the particular MTree. For example:
    # data-movement start mtrees /data/col1/rman137-blrv136g140-840dd

    After the successful data movement to the cloud, the cloud tier monitoring job completes. After some time, on the Assets > View Copies page, the Location field of the protection backups changes to Cloud.

    The DDOS Administration Guide provides more details about cloud tier data movement.

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