Enable the discovery of database application agent backups
To enable the
PowerProtect Data Manager to discover the SAP HANA backups that were performed by the database application agent, you must update a specific configuration file.
About this task
Restore an SAP HANA application host provides more details about the recovery of SAP HANA backups that were performed by the database application agent.
To enable the discovery of the database application agent backups, perform the following steps.
In the
PowerProtect Data Manager UI, ensure that the assets are visible.
In the directory
/opt/dpsapps/dbappagent/saphana/brownfield, rename the file
sap_hana_brownfield_ddbda.utl as
Open the file
/opt/dpsapps/dbappagent/saphana/brownfield/brownfield.utl in an editor and complete the following settings:
Set the
DDBOOST_USER parameter to the username of the DD Boost user configured on the DD system.
Set the
DEVICE_HOST parameter to the hostname (as the fully qualified domain name) of the DD system where the backups are stored.
Set the
DEVICE_PATH parameter to the top-level directory name of the storage unit (without the
/data/col1 prefix) on the DD system.
Set the
DISCOVERY_DAYS parameter to the number of days to be used for discovery. The
PowerProtect Data Manager will discover the database application agent backups that were performed within the specified past number of days.
Set the
RETENTION_DAYS parameter to the number of days that the
PowerProtect Data Manager will keep the database application agent backups after discovery.
Save the file
NOTE Ensure that the
RETENTION_DAYS parameter is set correctly. When
RETENTION_DAYS is set to 0 or is unspecified, all copies from the database application agent that are discovered in
PowerProtect Data Manager will have the retention value set to 30 days from the backup creation date. For copies from the database application agent that
PowerProtect Data Manager discovers, the retention value is set based on the copy creation date, not on the date when the copies are discovered.
PowerProtect Data Manager will discover the database application agent backups during the subsequent backup discovery operations.
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