To configure SQL backups with the
Microsoft app agent for Application Direct SSMS plug-in, you must first specify general backup options on the
Backup > General page.
Open the
Microsoft app agent for Application Direct window to the
Backup > General page.
General page appears as shown in the following figure.
Leave the
SQL Server Host as-is. The instance is populated by default.
In the
SQL Server Instance field, select the name of the SQL Server instance that contains the databases that you want to back up.
In the
Database Filter list, select one of the following options:
All Databases: Displays the regular databases and the Always On availability group databases of the selected SQL Server instance in the database table, which is located below the Database Filter field.
This option is selected by default.
You can back up the Always On availability group databases as regular databases without considering the Always On availability group preferences.
Non AAG Databases: Displays only the regular databases of the selected SQL Server instance in the database table.
A list of Always On availability groups if available: Selecting one of the Always On availability groups displays the corresponding databases in the database table.
Connections panel displays the name of the cluster that contains the Always On availability group and the backup preference that specifies the preferred replica to perform the backup. You can configure the replica preference of the Always On availability groups through the SSMS.
In the database table, select either all the databases by selecting the check box in the header row or only the individual databases that you want to back up.
In the
Backup type list, select the type of the backup that you want to perform such as,
Transaction log, or
(Optional) To perform a copy-only backup, select
Copy-only backup.
Copy-only backups do not disturb the SQL Server backup chain or affect backup-level promotion and log truncation. Copy-only backups are supported for level full or transaction log backups.
(Optional) To exclude databases from a SQL Server instance-level backup, perform the following steps:
Click the
Excluded Databases button.
Exclude Databases window appears.
Select each database that you want to exclude from the backup.
The databases that are selected for exclusion appear grayed out in the list of databases and the number of excluded databases is displayed.
In the
Name field, type a name for the backup that you want to perform.
After the backup completes, the save set names of the backed-up databases will be in the following format:
For example, you select the databases db1 and db2, specify test as the backup or save set name, and then perform the backup. After the backup completes, the save set names of the backed-up databases are test: db1 and test:db2.
NOTE The number sign (#) character is not supported for save set names. If you use this character, backups fail.
In the
Description field, type a description for the backup that you want to perform.
In the
Expires after (days) field, select the number of days after which the backup must expire. The default value is 30.
Destination, to select the target DD server for the backup, perform the following steps:
Click the
PowerProtect DD System browse button.
PowerProtect DD System List & Lockbox Settings dialog box appears, as shown in the following figure.
In the
Lockbox Folder field, type the path to lockbox, and then click
The default path to the lockbox is
C:\Program Files\DPSAPPS\common\lockbox.
PowerProtect DD Systems list is refreshed.
In the
PowerProtect DD Systems table, select the target DD server for the backup.
(Optional) To add or remove DD servers from the
PowerProtect DD Systems table, perform one of the following action sequences:
To add a server, perform the following steps:
Add PowerProtect DD System details dialog box appears as shown in the following figure.
In the
PowerProtect DD System field, type the name of the server.
In the
Communication Protocol list, select either
Ethernet or
Fibre channel, the medium through which you want to back up the database to the server.
Ethernet is selected by default.
If you have selected
Fibre channel from the
Communication Protocol list, type the name of the DD server as the FC service name in the
FC Service Name field.
In the
Username field, type the username of the DD Boost user.
In the
Password field, type the password of the DD Boost user.
In the
Storage Unit field, type the name of the target storage unit for the backup.
DD Boost user credentials are verified before they are saved in the lockbox. Verification of the user credentials requires some time to complete.
To remove a DD server, select the server, and then click
To add a SQL virtual server to either back up databases to SQL clustered instances or restore databases from SQL clustered instances, perform the following steps:
Edit LockBox Settings.
In the
Enter Host Name field, type the FQDN of the SQL virtual server.
To remove a SQL virtual server, select the FQDN of the SQL virtual server from the
Select Host Name list, and then click
PersistedSettings.xml file in the lockbox folder contains the information about DD servers. Adding a server to a new lockbox creates the
PersistedSettings.xml file. Adding a server to or removing a server from the lockbox updates the
PersistedSettings.xml file.
To start the backup operation, click
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