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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.9 Microsoft Application Agent SQL Server User Guide


Enabling the deletion of onboarded backup copies

PowerProtect Data Manager does not delete any SQL backup copies that are onboarded but not associated with a protection policy, even when the backup copies are expired. When you try to delete such copies by using the ddbmexptool or msagentadmin tool, you receive an error message, These copies are managed by PPDM.

About this task

Perform the following steps to enable the deletion of expired SQL backup copies that are onboarded to PowerProtect Data Manager but not associated with a protection policy.


  1. Open the <installation_path>\Settings\.app.settings file for editing. The file content is in xml format, for example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><settings> <credentials> <credential> <ddHostName></ddHostName> <devicePath>sql_rc-5b2bbffe443d-6451a</devicePath> <ddUser>sql_rc-5b2bbffe443d-6451a</ddUser> <type>PROTECTION</type> <protocol>DDBOOST</protocol> <encryptionOverWire>false</encryptionOverWire> <retentionLock>false</retentionLock> <retentionPeriod>86400</retentionPeriod> <configName>sql_rc</configName> <sources> <name>INST1_SQL2012::dell1</name> <name>INST1_SQL2012::dell2</name> <name>MSSQLSERVER::dell_1</name> <name>MSSQLSERVER::dell_2</name> </sources> </credential> </credentials></settings>
  2. In the file, locate the section between the <credential> and </credential> tags that contains the <ddHostName>, <devicePath>, <ddUser>, and <type> tags for the DD or MTree where the backup copies are generated and onboarded to PowerProtect Data Manager.
  3. Delete the section in the <installation_path>\Settings\.app.settings file.
    CAUTION Delete only the <ddHostName>, </ddHostName>, <devicePath>, </devicePath>, <ddUser>, </ddUser>, <type>, and </type> tags and the information between those tags. Do not delete any other tags or information in the file, which contain the DD details that the PowerProtect Data Manager generates.

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