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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.9 Microsoft Application Agent SQL Server User Guide


Supporting existing Microsoft application agent backups with PowerProtect Data Manager

Learn how to support the existing Microsoft application agent backups.


  1. Update the Microsoft application agent on the SQL Server host.
  2. Run the backup discovery tool, AgentBackupDiscovery.exe, to enable management of existing Microsoft application agent backups with PowerProtect Data Manager.

    Using the backup discovery tool for PowerProtect Data Manager management of existing backups provides information.

    NOTE This step enables the discovery of old backup copies that the Microsoft application agent created during self-service backups with stand-alone deployments.
  3. Register and approve the Microsoft application agent in PowerProtect Data Manager.

    Manage the Microsoft application agent for SQL provides information.

    After a few minutes of approving the SQL host, older backup copies are discovered. Depending on the number of backups, the discovery and subsequent visibility of the backups in PowerProtect Data Manager can take some time. The retention time of the discovered existing backup copies equals the retention time that was set in the protection policy plus 14 days, rounded off to the next day.

  4. Discover and add the credentials for the SQL application host.
    Discover a SQL application host provides information.
  5. Create a protection policy to protect the SQL host. For onboarding assets, only a subset of databases can be onboarded. It is not mandatory for all the databases on the host to be onboarded.

    Add a protection policy for SQL database protection provides information.

    The first backup after onboarding must be a full backup:

    • The first centralized backup is automatically promoted to a full backup.
    • The first self-service backup is automatically performed as a full backup.
    NOTE You cannot perform a backup to a secondary DD system device. You can restore only from a secondary DD system device.
  6. Perform a self-service backup of the Microsoft SQL databases. Onboarded assets can be part of either a centralized or self-service protection policy.

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