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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.9 Microsoft Application Agent SQL Server User Guide


Uninstall the Microsoft application agent with the setup file

About this task

To uninstall the Microsoft application agent for SQL Server with the setup file, perform the following steps.

NOTE If a table-level restore was performed since the last reboot of the host, Microsoft application agent requests a reboot during an uninstall operation. The Microsoft application agent installs and uses the Eldos CBFS driver for table-level restores. The Eldos CBFS driver is loaded during the table-level restore operation. Microsoft requires the driver to be unloaded before an uninstall operation.


  1. Launch emcmsappagent-
  2. On the Install Modification page, select Remove, and then click Next.
  3. On the Configure Uninstallation Options page, click Remove.
  4. On the Removing the CLR assembly page:
    1. Select the required SQL Server instances to remove the CLR assembly.
      By default, all the SQL Server instances are selected.
    2. Select one of the following options to remove the CLR assembly:
      • Use Windows Authentication
      • Use Database Authentication
    3. In the User name and Password fields, type the credentials for the user who has the privileges to remove CLR assembly.
    4. Click Remove.
    5. After the removal is completed, click Next.
  5. On the Complete the Setup page, click Finish.

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