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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.9 Microsoft Application Agent Exchange Server User Guide

Introducing the Microsoft application agent for Exchange

The Microsoft application agent enables an application administrator to protect and recover the Exchange application data on the application host. PowerProtect Data Manager integrates with the Microsoft application agent to check and monitor backup compliance against protection policies. PowerProtect Data Manager also enables central scheduling for backups.

You can install the Microsoft application agent on a Windows Exchange Server host by using the install wizard. Install and configure the application agent provides instructions.


PowerProtect Data Manager supports the coexistence of the Microsoft application agent and the File System agent on Windows.

To enable the discovery and scheduling of backups with PowerProtect Data Manager, you must approve the client in the PowerProtect Data Manager UI. Manage the Microsoft application agent for Exchange provides more information.

The Microsoft application agent does not support the MetaCacheDatabase (MCDB) feature in Exchange Server 2019. Ensure that you do not enable MCDB in Exchange Server 2019.

Software compatibility information for the PowerProtect Data Manager software and application agents is provided in the eLab Navigator, available at

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