If you use limited-privilege credentials to back up files without permissions for groups and owners, additional action is required before you add the NAS appliance or share to
PowerProtect Data Manager. For example, files with 500, 600, and 700 permissions. Complete one of the following sections, as applicable.
Without this action, appliance backups may fail and share backups may complete with an exception, where some files are skipped. The backup logs contain more information and an approximate count of skipped files, where applicable.
PowerScale (Isilon) appliance
On the NAS appliance, add the
NAS protection engine by hostname, FQDN, or IP address as a root client and a read/write client to the NFS export for the share. The
Isilon OneFS Web Administration Guide and
Isilon OneFS CLI Administration Guide provide more information about clients, modifying NFS exports, and adding a client to an NFS export. The
Add NAS wizard contains a reminder for this step.
NAS shares
Add the
NAS protection engine by hostname, FQDN, or IP address as a client of the NAS server to ensure that the NAS agent can read these files with restricted permissions. Because NAS server platforms can vary significantly, consult the documentation for your NAS server for instructions.
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