- To generate and view information about the inventory of storage
root node.
racadm storage get status
- To generate and view information about the inventory of controllers.
racadm storage get controllers -o
racadm storage get controllers -o -p <property names separated by comma>
- To get the list of controllers.
racadm storage get controllers
- To get the properties of PCIeSSD controller
racadm storage get controllers:<PcieSSD controller FQDD>
- To generate and view information about the inventory of batteries.
racadm storage get batteries -o
racadm storage get batteries --refkey <controller FQDD's separated by comma>
racadm storage get batteries --refkey <controller FQDD's separated by comma> -o
racadm storage get batteries --refkey <controller FQDD's separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma>
- To generate and view information about the inventory of virtual
racadm storage get vdisks
racadm storage get vdisks --refkey <controller FQDDs separated by comma>
racadm storage get vdisks --refkey <controller FQDDs separated by comma> -o
racadm storage get vdisks --refkey <controller FQDDs separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma>
- To generate and view information about the inventory of enclosures.
racadm storage get enclosures -o
racadm storage get enclosures --refkey <connector FQDDs separated by comma>
racadm storage get enclosures --refkey <connector FQDDs separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma>
- To get the list of enclosures.
racadm storage get enclosures
- To get the properties of the PCIeSSD enclosure.
racadm storage get enclosures:<PCIeSSD enclosure FQDD>
- To generate and view information about the inventory of physical
disk drives.
racadm storage get pdisks
racadm storage get pdisks -o
racadm storage get pdisks -o -p <property names separated by comma>
racadm storage get pdisks --refkey <enclosure/Backplanes FQDDs separated by comma>
racadm storage get pdisks --refkey <enclosure/Backplanes FQDDs separated by comma> -o
racadm storage get pdisks --refkey <enclosure/Backplanes FQDDs separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma>
To get the list of physical disks.
racadm storage get pdisks
To get the properties of PCIeSSD physical disk.
racadm storage get pdisks:<PCIeSSD FQDD>
- To generate and view information about the inventory of fans.
racadm storage get fans --refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma>
racadm storage get fans --refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma > -o
racadm storage get fans --refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma>
- To generate and view information about the inventory of EMMs.
racadm storage get emms -refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma>
racadm storage get emms --refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma> -o
racadm storage get emms --refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma>
- To generate and view information about the inventory of PSU.
racadm storage get psus -refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma>
racadm storage get psus --refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma> -o
racadm storage get psus --refkey <enclosure FQDDs separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma>
- To create, delete, and secure the virtual disks. To start or stop
the consistency check on the specified virtual disk.
racadm storage createvd:<Controller FQDD> -rl {r0|r1|r5|r6|r10|r50|r60}[-wp {wt|wb|wbf}] [-rp {nra|ra|ara}] [-ss {1k|2k|4k|8k|16k|32k|64k|128k|256k|512k|1M|2M|4M|8M|16M}]-pdkey:<comma
separated PD FQDD> [-dcp {enabled|disabled|default}] [-name <VD name>] [-size <VD size> {b|k|m|g|t}] [-T10PIEnable]
racadm storage init:<VD FQDD> -speed {fast|full}
racadm storage deletevd:<VD FQDD>
racadm storage encryptvd:<VD FQDD>
racadm storage createsecuritykey:<Controller FQDD> -key <Key id> -passwd <passphrase>
racadm storage modifysecuritykey:<Controller FQDD> -key <Key id>-oldpasswd <old passphrase> -newpasswd <new passphrase>
racadm storage deletesecuritykey:<Controller FQDD>
racadm storage ccheck:<vdisk fqdd>
racadm storage cancelcheck:<vdisk fqdd>
- To convert the physical disk drives and assign or delete a hot-spare.
To scan physical disks connected to a controller and detect problem.
racadm storage converttononraid:<PD FQDD>
racadm storage converttoraid:<PD FQDD>
racadm storage hotspare:<Physical Disk FQDD> -assign yes -type dhs -vdkey: <FQDD of VD>
racadm storage hotspare:<Physical Disk FQDD> -assign no
racadm storage patrolread:<controller FQDD> -state start|stop
NOTE: Any option specified
after the
–assign option does not affect deleting
the hot-spare.
- To reset, clear, and import the storage configuration to the controller.
racadm storage importconfig:<Controller FQDD>
racadm storage resetconfig:<Controller FQDD>
racadm storage clearconfig:<Controller FQDD>
- To start or stop a blink or identify operation on the specified
or PCIeSSD device.
racadm storage blink:<FQDD>
racadm storage blink:<PCIeSSD FQDD>
racadm storage unblink:<FQDD>
racadm storage unblink:<PCIeSSD FQDD>
- To prepare the PCIeSSD drive for removal.
racadm storage preparetoremove <PCIeSSD FQDD>
- To perform a secure erase on PCIeSSD device.
racadm storage secureerase:<PCIeSSD FQDD>