PSPath displayed is incorrect. While running the
gi .\SystemInformation | fl * command, PSPath is displayed as
DellBIOSProvider\DellSmbiosProv::DellBIOS:\SystemInformation. Change DellBIOS to DellSMBIOS.
Error message
could not find the path was displayed due to
/ during auto completion of the category name in the systems running Windows 8 and later.
You cannot navigate to the location after using auto completion for the category name.
Success message was part of console and must be handled separately.
Success message is now displayed as part of the verbose switch during a set operation.
Unable to set KeyboardIllumination attribute to 100 percent using Dell Command | PowerShell Provider.
KeyboardIllumination attribute can be set as
Bright (100%).
Dell Command | PowerShell Provider displays the MemoryTechnology attribute as
TBD on some systems with the latest memory technology such as DDR4, LPDDR, LPDDR2, LPDDR3, or LPDDR4.
MemoryTechnology attribute is now displayed on the platforms with the latest technology such as DDR4, LPDDR, and so on.
HTCapable attribute displays
No even if the attribute is supported in few systems.
HTCapable attribute now displays the accurate information.
Data is not available for the Topic
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