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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Advanced Authentication and Encryption Personal Setup Wizards

Log on with your Windows user name and password. You are seamlessly passed through to Windows. The interface may look different than you are accustomed to seeing.

  1. You may be prompted by UAC to run the application. If so, click Yes.
  2. After the initial installation reboot, the Advanced Authentication activation wizard displays. Click Next.

  3. Type and re-enter a new Encryption Administrator Password (EAP). Click Next.

    Note: The Encryption Administrator Password must be a minimum of eight characters and can not exceed 127 characters.

  4. Enter a backup location on a network drive or removable media to store recovery information and click Next.
  5. Click Apply to begin Advanced Authentication activation.

    After the Advanced Authentication activation wizard is finished, proceed to the next step.

  6. Launch the Encryption Personal setup wizard from the Dell Encryption icon in the notification area (it may launch on its own).

    This Setup Wizard helps you use encryption to protect the information on this computer. If this wizard is not completed, encryption cannot begin.

    Read the Welcome screen and click Next.

  7. Select a policy template. The policy template establishes the default policy settings for encryption.

    You can easily apply a different policy template or customize the selected template in the Local Management Console once initial configuration is complete.

    Click Next.

  8. Read and acknowledge the Windows password warning. If you wish to create a Windows password now, see Requirements.
  9. Create a 8-127 character Encryption Administrator Password (EAP) and confirm. The password should contain alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. This password can be the same as the EAP you set up for Advanced Authentication, but is not related to it. Record and save this password in a safe place. Click Next.

    Note: The Encryption Administrator Password must be a minimum of eight characters and can not exceed 127 characters.

  10. Click Browse to choose a network drive or removable storage to back up your encryption keys (which are wrapped in an application named LSARecovery_[hostname].exe).

    In the event of certain computer failures, these keys are used to recover your data.

    In addition, future policy changes sometimes require that your encryption keys get backed up again. If the network drive or removable storage is available, backing up of your encryption keys is done in the background. However, if the location is not available (such as the original removable storage device not being inserted into the computer), policy changes do not take effect until the encryption keys are manually backed up.

    NOTE:To learn how to manually back up encryption keys, click "? > Help" in the upper right corner of the Local Management Console or click Start > Dell > Encryption Help.

    Click Next.

  11. On the Confirm Encryption Settings screen, a list of Encryption Settings display. Review the items and when satisfied with the settings, click Confirm.

    Configuration of the computer begins. A status bar informs you of the progress of configuration.

  12. Click Finish to complete the configuration.
  13. A reboot is required once the computer is configured for encryption. Click Reboot Now or you can postpone the reboot 5x20 minutes each.
  14. Once the computer is rebooted, open the Local Management Console from the Start menu to see the status of encryption.

    Encryption takes place in the background. The Local Management Console can be opened or closed. Either way, encryption of files progresses. You can continue to use your computer as usual while it is encrypting.

  15. When the scan is complete, the computer reboots once more.

    Once all encryption sweeps and reboots are complete, you can verify compliance status by launching the Local Management Console. The drive is labeled as "In Compliance".

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