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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Change the Administrator Password and Backup Location

After advanced authentication activation, the administrator password and backup location can be changed, if necessary.

  1. As an administrator, launch the Dell Data Security Console from the desktop shortcut.
  2. Click the Administrator Settings tile.
  3. In the Authentication dialog, enter the administrator password that was set up during activation, and click OK.
  4. Click the Administrator Settings tab.
  5. In the Change Administrator Password page, to change the password, enter a new password that is between 8-32 characters and includes at least one letter, one number, and one special character.
  6. Enter the password a second time to confirm it, then click Apply.
  7. To change the location where the recovery key is stored, in the left pane, select Change Backup Location.
  8. Select a new location for the backup, and click Apply.

    The backup file must be saved either on a network drive or onto removable media. The backup file contains the keys that are needed to recover data on this computer. Dell ProSupport must have access to this file to help you recover data.

    Recovery data is automatically backed up to the specified location. If the location is not available (for instance, if your backup USB drive is not inserted), Advanced Authentication prompts for a location to back up your data. Access to recovery data is required to begin encryption.

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