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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Command-Line Installation

To install Encryption Personal using command-line, the child executable files must first be extracted from the master installer. See Extract the Child Installers from the Master Installer. Once complete, return to this section.

  • Install the entitlement on the target computer if needed.
  • NOTE:Dell Encryption logs do not specify if insufficient disk storage caused installation failure.
  • Switches:

    For a command-line installation, the switches must be specified first. The following table details the switches available for the installation.




    Silent mode


    Pass data to the InstallScript system variable CMDLINE

  • Parameters:

    The following table details the parameters available for the installation.


    InstallPath=path to alternate installation location.


    ENTITLEMENT=1:PE:{Encryption Personal Entitlement key here}

    NOTE:This parameter can only be used with Encryption Personal
  • Example Command-Line Installation

    The reboot has been suppressed in the command line examples. However, an eventual reboot is required.

    Policy Based Encryption cannot begin until the computer has rebooted.

    Be sure to enclose a value that contains one or more special characters, such as a blank space, in escaped quotation marks.

    Command lines are case-sensitive.

  • The following example installs Encryption client (silent installation, no reboot, and installed the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection) passing the entitlement key directly to the installer.


  • The following example installs Encryption Personal and Advanced Authentication (silent installation, no reboot, and installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection).

    DDSSetup.exe /s /z"\"FEATURE=PE\""

  • The following example installs Encryption Personal and Advanced Authentication (silent installation, no reboot, and installed in an alternate location of C:\Program Files\Dell\My_New_Folder).

    DDSSetup.exe /s /z"\"FEATURE=PE, InstallPath=C:\Program Files\Dell\My_New_Folder\""

    Once the computer is restarted, authenticate to Windows.

    Installation of Encryption Personal and Advanced Authentication is complete.

    Encryption Personal Setup Wizard and Configuration is covered separately.

    Once the Encryption Personal Setup Wizard and Configuration is complete, launch the Encryption Personal Administrator Console.

    The rest of this section details more installation tasks and may be skipped. Proceed to Advanced Authentication and Personal Edition Setup Wizards.

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