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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Data Security Uninstaller

Uninstall Encryption Personal

Dell provides the Data Security Uninstaller as a master uninstaller. This utility gathers the currently installed products and removes them in the appropriate order.

This Data Security Uninstaller is available in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\Dell Data Protection

For more information or to use command line interface (CLI), see KB article 125052.

Logs are generated in C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\ for all of the components that are removed.

To run the utility, open the containing folder, right-click DataSecurityUninstaller.exe, and select Run as administrator.

Click Next.

Optionally clear any application from removal and click Next.

Required dependencies are automatically selected or cleared.

To remove applications without installing the Encryption Removal Agent, choose Do not install Encryption Removal Agent and select Next.

Select Encryption Removal Agent - Import Keys from a File then select Next.

Browse to the location of the recovery keys and then enter the Passphrase for the file and click Next.

Select Remove to begin the uninstall.

Click Finish to complete removal and reboot the computer. Reboot machine after clicking finished is selected by default.

Uninstallation and removal is complete.

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