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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Encryption Personal

The purpose of Encryption Personal is to protect data on your computer, even if the computer is lost or stolen.

To ensure the security of your confidential data, Encryption Personal encrypts data on your Windows computer. You can always access the data when logged into the computer, but unauthorized users do not have access to this protected data. Data always remains encrypted on the drive, but because encryption is transparent, there is no need to change the way you work with applications and data.

Normally, the application decrypts data as you work with it. Occasionally, an application may try to access a file at the same moment that the application is encrypting or decrypting it. If this happens, after a second or two, a dialog is displayed that gives you the option of waiting or canceling the encryption/decryption. If you choose to wait, the application releases the file as soon as it is finished (generally within a few seconds).

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