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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Extract Child Installers

  • To install each client individually, extract the child executable files from the installer.
  • If the master installer has been used to install, the clients must be uninstalled individually. Use this process to extract the clients from the master installer so that they can be used for uninstallation.
  1. From the Dell installation media, copy the DDSSetup.exe file to the local computer.
  2. Open a command prompt in the same location as the DDSSetup.exe file and enter:

    DDSSetup.exe /s /z"\"EXTRACT_INSTALLERS=C:\Extracted""

    The extraction path cannot exceed 63 characters.

    Before you begin installation, ensure that all prerequisites have been met and all required software has been installed for each child installer that you plan to install. Refer to Requirements for details.

    The extracted child installers are located at C:\extracted\.

Proceed to Troubleshooting.

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