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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10


You can install Encryption Personal using the master installer (recommended), or by extracting the child installers from the master installer. Either way, Encryption Personal can be installed by user interface, command line or scripts, and using any push technology available to your organization.

Users should see the following help files for application assistance:

NOTE:If Policy-Based Encryption is installed before the Encryption Management Agent, computer crash may occur. This issue is caused by failure to load the encryption Sleep driver that manages the PBA environment. As a workaround, use the master installer or ensure that Policy-Based Encryption is installed after the Encryption Management Agent.
  • See the Dell Encrypt Help to learn how to use the features of Encryption. Access the help from <Install dir>\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption\Help.
  • See the Encryption External Media Help to learn how the features of Encryption External Media. Access the help from <Install dir>\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Encryption.
  • See the Encryption Personal Help to learn how to use the features of Advanced Authentication. Access the help from <Install dir>\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Security Tools\Help.

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