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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Interactive Installation

To install Encryption Personal, the installer must find the appropriate entitlement on the computer. If the appropriate entitlement is not found, Encryption Personal cannot be installed.

  • The Master Installer installs multiple clients. In the case of Encryption Personal, it installs Encryption and SED management.
  • Master installer log files are located at C:\ProgramData\Dell\Dell Data Protection\Installer.

  1. Install the entitlement on the target computer if needed. Instructions for adding the entitlement to the computer are included with the email that discusses license information.
  2. Copy DDSSetup.exe to the local computer.
  3. Double-click DDSSetup.exe to launch the installer.
  4. A dialog displays that alerts you to the status of installing prerequisites. It takes a few minutes.
  5. Click Next at the Welcome screen.
  6. Read the license agreement, agree to the terms, and click Next.
  7. Click Next to install Encryption Personal in the default location of C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Data Protection\.
  8. Authentication is installed by default and cannot be deselected. This is listed as Security Framework in the installer.

    Click Next.

  9. Click Install to begin the installation.

    A status window displays. This takes several minutes.

  10. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now and click Finish.
  11. Once the computer restarts, authenticate to Windows.

Installation of Encryption Personal and Advanced Authentication is complete.

Encryption Personal Setup Wizard and Configuration is covered separately.

Once the Encryption Personal Setup Wizard and Configuration is complete, launch the Encryption Personal Administrator Console.

The rest of this section details more installation tasks and may be skipped. Proceed to Advanced Authentication and Encryption Personal Setup Wizards.

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