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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Uninstall Encryption

  • Before beginning the uninstall process, see (Optional) Create an Encryption Removal Agent Log File. This log file is useful for troubleshooting an uninstall/decryption operation. If you do not intend to decrypt files during the uninstall process, you do not need to create an Encryption Removal Agent log file.

    NOTE:Before uninstalling, ensure all policy templates are set to Disabled and insert any encrypted external media for graceful decryption.

    This video details changing policy templates in the Local Management Console.

  • Run WSScan to ensure that all data is decrypted after uninstallation is complete, but before restarting the computer. See Use WSScan for instructions.
  • Periodically Check Encryption Removal Agent Status. Data decryption is still in process if the Encryption Removal Agent service still exists in the services panel.

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