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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Uninstall Interactively

  1. Go to Uninstall a Program in the Windows Control Panel (in the search box on the taskbar, type Control Panel, and then select Control Panel from the results).
  2. Highlight Dell Encryption XX-bit and left-click Change to launch the Encryption Personal Setup Wizard.
  3. Read the Welcome screen and click Next.
  4. At the Encryption Removal Agent Installation screen, select either:
    NOTE:The second option is enabled by default. If you wish to decrypt files, be sure you change the selection to option one.
    • Encryption Removal Agent - Import Keys from a File

      For SDE, User, or Common encryption, this option decrypts files and uninstalls the Encryption client. This is the recommended selection.

    • Do not install Encryption Removal Agent

      This option uninstalls the Encryption client but does not decrypt files. This option should be used only for troubleshooting purposes, as directed by Dell ProSupport.

      Click Next.

  5. In Backup File, enter the path to the network drive or removable media location of the backup file or click ... to browse to the location. The format of the file is LSARecovery_[hostname].exe.

    Enter your Encryption Administrator Password. This is the password from Setup Wizard when the software was installed.

    Click Next.

  6. At Dell Decryption Agent Service Logon As select Local System Account and click Finish.
  7. Click Remove at the Remove the Program screen.
  8. Click Finish at the Configuration Complete screen.
  9. Restart your computer and log on to Windows.

Decryption is now in progress.

The decryption process could take several hours, depending on the number of drives being decrypted and the amount of data on those drives. To check the decryption process, see Check Encryption Removal Agent Status.

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