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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Uninstall the Master Installer

  • Each component must be uninstalled separately, followed by uninstallation of the master installer. The clients must be uninstalled in a specific order to prevent uninstallation failures.
  • Follow the instructions in Extract the Child Installers from the Master Installer to obtain child installers.
  • Ensure that the same version of master installer (and thereby clients) is used for uninstallation as installation.
  • This chapter refers you to another chapter that contains detailed instructions of how to uninstall the child installers. This chapter explains the last step only, uninstalling the master installer.

Uninstall the clients in the following order.

  1. Uninstall Encryption Client.
  2. Uninstall Encryption Management Agent.

The Driver package does not need to be uninstalled.

Proceed to Choose an Uninstallation Method.

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