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Dell Encryption Personal Installation Guide v11.10

Uninstall Using the Child Installers

  • Dell recommends using the Data Security Uninstaller to remove Encryption Personal.
  • The user performing decryption and uninstallation must be a local or domain administrator. If uninstalling by command line, domain administrator credentials are required.
  • If you installed Encryption Personal with the master installer, the child executable files must first be extracted from the master installer before uninstallation, as shown in Extract the Child Installers from the Master Installer.
  • Ensure that the same version of clients is used for uninstallation as installation.
  • Plan to decrypt overnight, if possible.
  • Turn off sleep mode to prevent an unattended computer from going to sleep. Decryption cannot occur on a sleeping computer.
  • Shut down all processes and applications to minimize failures because of locked files.

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