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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.13 Cyber Recovery User Guide

Creating a report

Use the Reports wizard to create Cyber Recovery reports and report schedules.

About this task

The Reports wizard enables you to use a template to generate or schedule a report that summarizes job activities for a specific duration. The Job Summary template enables you to apply filters for specific criteria.

Depending on the occurrence or recurrence of the scheduling that you choose, you configure the report to be downloaded or sent in an email message.

NOTE: If a report is configured such that no jobs were performed for the specified time range and filter settings, the status is listed as Failed.


  1. From the Main Menu, click Reports > Template Library.
  2. In the Job Summary pane under the Standard Templates tab, click Generate to open the wizard.
    The wizard opens the standard template for daily jobs.
  3. On the Details pane, complete the following fields and click Next:
    Field Description
    Report Name Enter a unique name for the report. The report name must start with an alphanumeric character and can include hyphens (-) and underscores (_). It cannot include spaces or special characters.
    Description Optionally, enter details that describe the report. The maximum number of characters is 400 characters.
  4. Optionally, on the Filters pane, select filter options:
    1. Click Available and display the filter options by either expanding the drop-down list next to each item or clicking Expand All at the bottom of the pane.
    2. Select one or more filter options.
      • If you do not choose any options, the report includes all jobs.
      • If you choose a job type, such as Protection, but no option under Requests, the report includes all jobs that are of the selected job type. For example, all protection jobs are displayed
      • If you choose a job type, such as Protection, and a policy name, only jobs that are of the selected job type for the policy are displayed. For example, only protection jobs for the specified policy are displayed.
      • A numbered callout next to each item indicates how many filter options that you have chosen.

      Click the down arrow next to each item or click Collapse All to collapse the drop-down lists.

    3. Click Selected to list the filter options that you have chosen.
      • If you do not want a selected filter option, click X to remove it from the list.
      • If you do not want any of the selected filter options, click Clear All to void the entire list.
    4. Click Generate Preview to preview the report based on the filter settings that you have chosen.
    5. Optionally, click Available, add or delete filter options, and then click Refresh Preview at the bottom of the Report Preview pane.
    6. Click Next.
  5. On the Scheduling pane, do one of the following:
    • Click Scheduled and then specify the range of a report, the start time and date, and its recurrence. Click Next and go to step 7.
    • Click On Demand and then specify the range of a report. Click Next and go to the next step.
  6. If you selected On Demand, choose one of the following options:
    • Click Download Now (csv) so that the report is downloaded when you complete the wizard, click Next, and go to step 8.
    • Click Send as an Email to deliver an email message with the report. Go to the next step.
    • Click Download Now (csv) and Send as an Email. Go to the next step.
  7. On the Delivery pane, complete the following fields and click Next:
    Field Description
    Email Subject (required) Enter a meaningful subject line.
    Recipients (required) Click Add recipients, enter an email address, and press Enter. To add another email address, click Add additional recipients and enter another email address.
    Cc Optionally, click Add recipients and enter an email address to send a copy of the mail.
    Bcc Optionally, click Add recipients and enter an email address to send a blind copy of the mail.
    Message Optionally, enter a message. The maximum number of characters is 400 characters.
    Send Report Output As Select if you want the report to be:
    • A .csv file attachment
    • Embedded in the body of the email
    • Both a .csv file attachment and embedded in the body of the email
  8. Review the Summary pane and:
    • Click Edit on the right or the step on the left to return to a specific pane to modify information.
    • Click Preview Report to preview the report.
    • Click Back to return to the previous panes to modify information.
    • Click Generate if you are satisfied with the summary information and want to create the report.

      If you selected Scheduled on the Scheduling pane, an informational message:

      • Indicates that the report has been scheduled
      • Indicates that an email message is sent when the report runs
      • Provides a link to the Scheduled Reports pane, which lists the report schedule

      If you selected On Demand on the Scheduling pane:

      • An informational message indicates that the report was generated and provides a link to view the report.
      • Depending on the settings you selected on the Delivery pane, the report is downloaded or sent as an email message.
      • The Generated Reports page lists the report and its status.
      • There is no entry on the Scheduled Reports page.
    NOTE: If you run a report that is configured such that no jobs were performed for the specified time range and filter settings, the report status is displayed as Failed. For a Successful status, modify the configuration and specify a time range and filter settings that include jobs that were performed.

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