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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.13 Cyber Recovery User Guide

User roles

Cyber Recovery users are assigned roles that determine the tasks that they can perform in the Cyber Recovery vault environment.

The Cyber Recovery installation procedure creates the default Cyber Recovery security officer (crso) and assigns the security officer role to this user. The crso can be considered the superuser. There is only one crso per Cyber Recovery installation. The crso must perform the initial Cyber Recovery login and then create other users. Other user roles cannot modify or manage the crso. Users with the security officer role can create multiple security officers.

NOTE: Do not confuse the Cyber Recovery security officer with the DD Security Officer for DD Compliance retention locking.

The Cyber Recovery user roles include:

  • Dashboard—This role enables the user to view the Cyber Recovery dashboard but not perform tasks.
  • Admin—This role enables the user to do the following:
    • Create, manage, and run policies and associated objects
    • Create, schedule, and run reports
    • Acknowledge and add notes to alerts
    • Access system settings to manage administrative settings, except the number of login sessions and activity reports
    • Manually secure and release (unsecure) the Cyber Recovery vault
    • Modify this user account
    • Change the password for this user account
  • Security officer—This role enables the user to do the following:
    • Perform all admin role tasks
    • Create, modify, disable, and delete dashboard, admin, and security officer user accounts
    • Reset dashboard, admin, and security officer user passwords
    • Enable and disable security officer users
    • Set the duration after which passwords expire for all users
    • Disable multifactor authentication for an admin user
    • Access system settings to manage administrative settings, including the number of login sessions and activity reports
    • Modify this user account
    • Change the password for this user account

    The security officer cannot modify, delete, enable, or disable multifactor authentication for the crso. If as the crso, you forget your password, use the script to reset it. For instructions, see Resetting Cyber Recovery passwords.

NOTE: As a best practice, we recommend that:
  • Admin users perform Cyber Recovery operations, and management and maintenance tasks.
  • Security officers perform security tasks such as managing users, login count, and so on.

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