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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.10 Administration and User Guide

Configure Alert Notifications

The Alert Notifications window of the PowerProtect Data Manager UI enables you to configure email notifications for PowerProtect Data Manager alerts.


  1. From the PowerProtect Data Manager UI left navigation pane, select Alerts, and then select the Alert Notifications tab.
    The Alert Notifications window appears with a table that displays the details for existing notifications.
  2. Click Add.
    The Add Alert Notification dialog appears.
    NOTE The Add button is disabled until you set up the email server. To add an alert notification, set up the email server in System Settings > Support > Email Setup. Set up the email server provides more information.
  3. In the Name field, type name of the individual or group who will receive the notification email.
  4. In the Email field:
    1. Specify the email address or alias to receive notifications. This field is required in order to create an alert notification. Separate multiple entries with a comma.
    2. Click Test Email to ensure that a valid SMTP configuration exists.
  5. From the Category list, select the notification category.
  6. From the Severity list, select the notification severity.
  7. In the Duration field, specify how often the notification email will be sent out. For example, you can set the duration to 60 minutes in order to send out a notification email every 60 minutes. If you set the duration to 0, PowerProtect Data Manager does not send out an email notification.
  8. In the Subject field, optionally type the subject that you would like to attach to the notification email.
  9. Click Save to save your changes and exit the dialog.


The Alert Notifications window updates with the new alert notification. At any time, you can Edit, Delete, or Disable the notification by selecting the entry in the table and using the buttons in this window.

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