When the template matches with a pod, there are two available actions:
Provides a command or sequence of commands that quiesce the database application and write its data to disk in preparation for the backup.
Provides a command or sequence of commands that unquiesce the database application and restore normal operation.
MySQL application templates come with default values for these actions:
DefaultMySQLQuiesce and
MongoDB application templates come with default values for these actions:
DefaultMongoDBQuiesce and
PostgreSQL application templates come with default values for these actions:
DefaultPostgresqlQuiesce and
For PostgreSQL, the prehook action does not quiesce the database. Rather, the action places the database into hot backup mode. Similarly, the posthook action removes the database from hot backup mode.
Cassandra application templates come with a default value for these actions:
For Cassandra, the prehook action flushes the database to disk. The database provides neither explicit quiescing during the prehook, nor a corresponding unquiesce command for a posthook action.
These default values are reserved keywords in the YAML file. Creating an application template from the YAML file replaces these keywords with relatively safe and standard sequences that quiesce and unquiesce supported database applications, where applicable.
The other parameters that are associated with these default values are:
Timeout defaults to 30 s.
Container defaults to the first container in the pod.
OnError defaults to
Fail. The possible values are
Fail and
You can replace these default hooks with sequences of commands that are specific to the database application environment. All values other than the defaults are treated as commands to run.
You can also replace the default parameters with new values, such as the name of a different container or a longer timeout.
An application template applies to a MySQL database that resides in a pod. The following template fragment provides custom commands for quiescing and unquiescing the database.
command: "[\"/bin/sh\", \"-c\", \"mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e \\\"FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; FLUSH LOGS;SELECT SLEEP(100);\\\" >/tmp/quiesce.log 2>&1 & for i in 1..10; do sleep 1; mysql -root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e \\\"SHOW PROCESSLIST\\\" | grep \\\"SLEEP(100)\\\" > /tmp/sleep.pid ; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then exit 0; fi; done; exit 1\"]"
command: "[\"/bin/sh\", \"-c\", \"SLEEPPID=`cut -f1 /tmp/sleep.pid` ; mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -e \\\"KILL $SLEEPPID\\\" ; rm /tmp/sleep.pid\"]"
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