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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.10 Kubernetes User Guide

Support Network File System (NFS) root squashing

Using root squashing on a Network File System (NFS) volume prevents remote root users from having root access to the volume. Without additional configuration to support NFS root squashing, these volumes cannot be backed up or restored.


All files and folders on the NFS volume must be owned by the same owner and group. If a file or folder uses a different user identifier (UID) or group identifier (GID) than the rest, then backups will fail.


  1. Create a storage class with root-client access enabled. For example, set the property RootClientEnabled when creating an Isilon storage class.
  2. Create a ConfigMap named ppdm-root-access-storage-class-mapping in the PowerProtect namespace.
  3. In the data section of the ConfigMap, add a storage-class mapping in the following format:

    name of storage class with root-client access disabled: name of storage class with root-client access enabled

    For example, to map isilon-root-squashing-sc to isilon-allow-backups-sc, type:

    isilon-root-squashing-sc: isilon-allow-backups-sc

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