Learn how to install the Oracle RMAN agent on all the database servers that must access the DD system.
About this task
NOTE To enable the latest software features, it is recommended that you use the same version of the
PowerProtect Data Manager and Oracle RMAN agent.
Run the
install.sh script to install the Oracle RMAN agent
19.10 or to update from an earlier version of the Oracle RMAN agent. The script installs the Oracle RMAN agent in a user-specified directory or in the default installation directory,
Run the
install.sh -h or
install.sh --help command to obtain more information about the script operation.
Complete the following steps to download the Oracle RMAN agent and perform a new installation of the software.
NOTE In a RAC system, you must install the Oracle RMAN agent and
PowerProtect Data Manager agent on each node.
In the PowerProtect Data Manager UI:
Agent Downloads from
Dashboard > System Settings.
Select the Oracle RMAN agent download package:
On Linux:
Download the package to any user-defined directory with Oracle user ownership on the Oracle server host.
NOTE Refer to Chapter 8 in the
PowerProtect Data Manager Security Configuration Guide for details on how to verify the authenticity and integrity of the downloaded package.
Change the ownership of the tar file to the oracle user by running the following command:
Uncompress the downloaded tar file outside of the
$RMAN_AGENT_HOME directory using the oracle user by running the following command:
tar -xvf ddrman1910_aixpower71.tar.gz
On Linux:
tar -xvf ddrman1910_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
The Oracle RMAN agent installation files are uncompressed under the
ddrman folder.
Ensure that no backups are running. Stop the RMAN processes before you install the Oracle RMAN agent.
As one of the system's Oracle users (recommended), run the
install.sh script:
install.sh script displays the following type of prompt:
Do you want to install under the default installation directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent? (y or n)
NOTE The default installation directory is
<user_home_directory>/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent, which is the default $RMAN_AGENT_HOME location.
At the script prompt shown in the preceding step, type the appropriate value:
To install in the default directory, type
To install in a non-default directory that already exists, type
The script then prompts you to enter the installation directory pathname:
Enter the full pathname of the installation destination:
Type the pathname of an already created installation directory.
NOTE The user-specified installation directory must be a directory that is created specifically for the Oracle RMAN agent
19.10 installation, and must not be the
ORACLE_HOME directory. The complete directory pathname must be specified, without a slash (/) at the end.
For example, the
install.sh script on Linux displays the following output:
The lib directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/lib is created.
The config directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/config is created.
The settings directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/settings is created.
The addon directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/addon is created.
The Oracle addon directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/addon/D2B24128_9482_44D2_8723_6D211DB49BFB is created.
The bin directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/bin is created.
The log directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/logs is created.
The tmp directory /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/tmp is created.
Installing the Oracle RMAN agent.
Copying the lockbox libraries to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/lib/.
Copying libddobk.so to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/lib/.
Copying libDDBoost.so to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/lib/.
Copying libzmq.so.5 to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/lib/.
Copying ddutil to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/bin/.
Copying pushupdate.sh to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/bin/.
Copying the dependency libraries to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/lib/.
Copying the ddbmcon program to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/bin/.
Copying the configuration file to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/config/.
Copying the addon library program to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/addon/D2B24128_9482_44D2_8723_6D211DB49BFB/.
Copying the configureAddOn.sh program to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/addon/.
Copying the unConfigureAddOn.sh program to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/addon/.
Copying the ddbmoim configuration file to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/config/.
Copying the ddbmoim program to /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent/bin/.
Creating the lockbox.
Successfully installed the Oracle RMAN agent.
ORACLE_HOME is set in the environment, the
install.sh script displays the following type of prompt. Type
n, as required for a new installation:
The Oracle RMAN agent library, libddobk.so, does not exist in /space/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/lib.
Do you want to update settings in /space/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 directory so that RMAN scripts from previous installation can be reused? (y or n) n
The installation script exits.
To verify the installed version of Oracle RMAN agent, run the following command: