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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.10 Oracle RMAN User Guide

Update the PowerProtect agent

Complete the following steps to update a previous version of the PowerProtect agent to the current version of the PowerProtect agent.

  1. Log in as the root user.
  2. To update the PowerProtect agent, run the appropriate command:

    • On AIX, run either the installp command-line program or the SMIT GUI program:

      • To run the command-line program, type the following command:

        installp -a -d <user_home_directory>/ddrman powerprotect-agentsvc.rte
        NOTE The powerprotect-agentsvc.rte file is located in the <user_home_directory>/ddrman directory after you download and uncompress the Oracle RMAN agent software package.

        For example, the command and output appears as follows:

        installp -a -d /home/oracle/ddrman powerprotect-agentsvc.rte
                            Pre-installation Verification...
        Verifying selections...done
        Verifying requisites...done
          Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verification
          and will be installed.
          Selected Filesets
          powerprotect-agentsvc.rte       # powerprotect agent service
          << End of Success Section >>
                           BUILDDATE Verification ...
        Verifying build dates...done
            1  Selected to be installed, of which:
                1  Passed pre-installation verification
            1  Total to be installed
                                 Installing Software...
        installp:  APPLYING software for:
        **                    Post Installation Step                                 **
        To configure the firewall rules, run the /opt/dpsapps/agentsvc/ script.
        Finished processing all filesets.  (Total time:  6 secs).
        Installation Summary
        Name                        Level           Part        Event       Result
        powerprotect-agentsvc.rte     USR         APPLY       SUCCESS
      • To run the SMIT GUI program, perform the following steps:

        1. Type the following command:

          smitty install_latest
        2. In the Entry Field, type the complete pathname of the directory that contains the software files.
        3. Select the option SOFTWARE to install.
        4. To start the update, perform either of the following actions:

          • Select default <all_latest>, and with the default input SOFTWARE to install, press Enter.
          • Select F4=List, select powerprotect-agentsvc.rte, and press Enter.

      To verify that the update succeeded, type the following command:

      lslpp -L all | grep -i powerprotect-agentsvc

      If the command output includes powerprotect-agentsvc.rte, then the update succeeded.

    • On Linux, run the following command:

      rpm -Uvh powerprotect-agentsvc-
      NOTE To verify the authenticity and integrity of the agent service RPM file before you run the command, follow the instructions in the PowerProtect Data Manager Security Configuration Guide.

      For example, the command on Linux displays the following command output:

      rpm -Uvh powerprotect-agentsvc-
      Preparing... ################################# [100%]
      Stopping agent service (pid 25731, count=1) ...
      Stopping agent service (pid 25732, count=2) ...
      Stopping agent service (pid 25740, count=3) ...
      Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
      Updating / installing...
      1:powerprotect-agentsvc- [ 50%]
      Cleaning up / removing...
      2:powerprotect-agentsvc- [100%]
      Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/agentsvc.service.
      To configure firewall rules run /opt/dpsapps/agentsvc/
  3. To enable the PowerProtect Data Manager communication 7000 TCP port, run the /opt/dpsapps/agentsvc/ script as the root user:

    firewalld service is running
    configuring firewall rules
    NOTE If the firewall rules are not applied, restart the firewall.
  4. To complete the required addons configuration and registration with PowerProtect Data Manager, run the script from the RMAN agent addon directory $RMAN_AGENT_HOME/addon.

    NOTE If you specify a hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with an underscore (_) for the PowerProtect Data Manager server, then the communication will be done by the system's IP, if provided by the system on registration.

    For example:

    Enter the Oracle RMAN agent home pathname. Press ENTER for the default home pathname /home/oracle/opt/dpsapps/rmanagent:
    Creating the /opt/dpsapps/agentsvc/AddOns directory.
    Creating the /opt/dpsapps/agentsvc/AddOns/D2B24128_9482_44D2_8723_6D211DB49BFB directory.
    Copying the file.
    Copying the addon.cfg file.
    Enter the PowerProtect Data Manager IP address or hostname:
    Agent service (pid 32047) started successfully.
    Do you want to set the default retention time? (y or n) y
    Provide the default retention time as the number of days: 1
    Setting RETENTION_TIME=1.
    Allow SYSDBA access for RMAN agent? (y or n) y
    Addons configuration is completed.
  5. To register or re-register the Oracle RMAN agent with the new PowerProtect Data Manager server, run the script from the agent service directory /opt/dpsapps/agentsvc. For example:

    Enter the PowerProtect Data Manager IP address or hostname:
    Warning: Changing IP of PowerProtect Server from to
    Started agent service with PID - 20795
  6. To complete the update, manually approve the Oracle RMAN agent from the PowerProtect Data Manager server. Manage the Oracle application agent provides information.

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