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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.11 File System User Guide

Protect an asset with the File System agent

The following task describes the steps required to protect an asset with a protection policy.


  1. Add a storage system.
    For more information, see Add protection storage.
  2. Install the File System agent on the file system host.
    For more information, see the section on installing the File System agent on the operating system of the host.
  3. Add or approve the File System agent on the file system host.
    For more information, see Manage the File System agent.
  4. Discover the file system asset.
    For more information, see Discover a file system host.
  5. Create a protection policy to protect the file system.
    For more information, see Adding a protection policy for File System protection.
    NOTE You cannot perform a backup to a secondary DD system. You can only restore from a secondary DD system.

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