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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.14 File System User Guide

Performing self-service backups for disaster recovery

A host with the File System agent installed requires a PowerProtect Data Manager server for disaster recovery asset.

To back up file systems manually and use PowerProtect Data Manager, register the host to PowerProtect Data Manager, create a self-service protection policy, and configure the retention policy.

NOTE:Select Self-Service Protection when you create the file systems protection policy in the PowerProtect Data Manager UI.

After a host is registered with PowerProtect Data Manager and assets are added to a self-service protection policy, use the ddfssv command to run self-service manual backups on the host disaster recovery asset, as in the following example:

ddfssv -l FULL -a DFA_SI_DD_HOST=server_name -a DFA_SI_DD_USER=username -a DFA_SI_DEVICE_PATH=storage_unit_and_path volume_names


-l {FULL | INCR}
Specifies the type of the backup to perform such as full (FULL), or incremental (INCR). The default value is FULL.
-a "DFA_SI_DD_HOST=server_name"
Specifies the IPv4 address for the DD that contains the storage unit to back up the file system assets.
-a "DFA_SI_DD_USER=username"
Specifies the protection storage unit username. Example: Policy-Protection
-a "DFA_SI_DEVICE_PATH=storage_unit_and_path"
Specifies the name and the path of the storage unit where you want to direct the backup. Example: /plc_self_service_protectionpolicy/PLCTLP-ab31adac-1a4f-4d26-9d00-a3148d63805a
Specifies whether the SSR needs to backed up or not. Set the flag value to TRUE if you want to perform SSR backup. The default value of this flag is FALSE. This is optional for BMR backups.
Specifies whether the missing windows system state files must be ignored during the self-service backup. The default value of this flag is TRUE. This flag states that the backup is completed successfully instead of stating the backup is completed with exceptions. However, the corresponding logs list the missing files as warnings.
NOTE:If the flag value of this command is set to FALSE, the missing files will be listed as errors in logs and the backup is completed with exception.
Specifies Disaster Recovery Asset to be backed up. Example: DISASTER_RECOVERY:\\

For more information about how to use the admin utility to query the list of backups for an asset, see Using the ddfsadmin utility for disaster recovery.

To perform a self-service backup, use the storage unit and username that was created on the DD system when the policy was created. PowerProtect Data Manager discovers these backups and enables centralized restore operations. You can also perform a manual restore operation.

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