PatrolReadRate property is deprecated and not supported from iDRAC firmware version and the later releases. Setting PatrolReadRate using SCP is not supported.
While encrypting VDs through Lifecycle controller, ensure that the first VD in the list is selected. Selecting a VD that is already secured does not affect the existing encryption of the VD.
Before performing SecureErase on a vFlash, ensure that the partitions on the vFlash are detached.
Intel ColdStream NVMe devices do not support cryptographic erase. For more information, see Intel's documentation for the specific device.
Creating RAID using the selected controller is not supported through Lifecycle Controller interface. Use iDRAC GUI to create the virtual disk, then relaunch Lifecycle Controller and retry the deployment operation.
Before deleting a VD that hosts the OS, ensure that you uninstall iSM. If a VD is deleted without uninstalling iSM, LC log may display the error: "ISM0007 The iDRAC Service Module Communication has ended with iDRAC".
Critical event PDR1016 will not be generated when M.2 drives from the BOSS-S2 controller are removed since M.2 drives are directly attached to BOSS controller and not connected to the backplane.
SMART monitoring is disabled for a hard drive while it is set to Non-Raid mode.
Depending on the virtual storage device attached through iDRAC, that is, USB drive or CD/DVD .ISO file, LC displays Virtual Floppy or Virtual CD respectively.
The option to enable or disable the disk cache policy for SWRAID controllers are supported only on SWRAID controller driver version 4.1.0-0025 or later.
If any of the NVMe drives report a 'Failed' status (Red LED) due to any of NVMe controller SMART errors (critical warning bits set), it should be treated as a predictive failure (Blinking amber LED). These errors include SMART errors such as:
Available spare threshold
Reliability degraded
Read-only mode
Virtual memory backup failed, and so on.
For improved support on drives and operating system deployment, it is recommended to use the UEFI BIOS boot mode.
To create a virtual disk or deploy an operating system, ensure that you use the Dell supported SATA, SAS, or NVMe drives. For more information, see the documentation for BIOS, controller, and drive.
Firmware update on drives and backplanes through Windows DUP will reflect in iDRAC after a cold boot. In Lifecycle logs, version change may be displayed repeatedly if cold reboot is not done.
The iDRAC Virtual Keyboard labeling is changed to upper case to align it with the physical keyboard layout.
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